FRM Widget Type (Field)

Type of widget to use for this entity or field in Form (and Report) components.

Widget Types

Widgets for Forms
Physical Widget (Logical Widget) Description
udefentity (Default Entity Widget ) Represents the fields and occurrences of the entity as a multi-occurrence list.
egrid (Grid) Represents the fields and occurrences of the entity within a grid framework, resembling a table.
ucheckbox (CheckBox) Used to select one of two or three previously defined values
ucolorbox (ColorBox) Used to enter and display a standard color
ucolorlist (ColorList) Displays a list of system or Web colors.
ucombobox (Combo Box) Used to select one item from a previously defined list, or enter user-defined data instead.
ucmdbutton CommandButton Button that performs an action when clicked. By default, follows Windows look and feel.
HeaderButton Button styled as a Windows column header.
UnifaceButton Button that can be styled as desired using many properties unavailable with other logical button widgets.
udragdrop DragSource Source for drag and drop behavior.
DropTarget Target for drag and drop behavior.
udropdownlist (DropDownList) Used to select one value from a list of alternative choices
ueditbox (EditBox) EditBox Input field used to enter, edit, and display text.
NoEditBox Edit box for styling a field that displays text but does not allow editing. For compatibly purposes.
Message Box Edit box for styling a field used to display a message. For compatibly purposes.
ucontainer (FormContainer) Used to embed a form within another form.
uhtml (HTML Widget) Renders HTML code (including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) or displays a web page.
uhyperlink (Hyperlink) Activates the detail trigger for the corresponding field
ulabel Label Displays text on a component, such as the name of an associated field or an instruction to the user.
ulistbox (ListBox ) Displays an open list in which one or more values can be selected.
umap (Map) Defines an area on an image that allows the user to interact by clicking on that area.
umeter (Meter) Displays the value of a field by representing the value as the hand of a gauge for which there is a predefined range of values marked around the outer edge.
(umonthcalendar) MonthCalendar Displays a calendar that allows the user to select a date.
uOcxContainer (OcxContainer) Embeds OCXs in Uniface applications.
uOleContainer (OleContainer) Embeds or defines links to OLE objects in Uniface applications.
uoutputbox (OutputBox) Displays streaming text data, including unicode-encoded data.
upicture (Picture) Displays an image.
uprogressbar (ProgressBar) Shows the progress of a process or action that is being executed.
uradiogroup (RadioGroup) Displays values as a set of mutually exclusive choices, each of which is displayed as a radio button.
urtfeditbox (RichEditBox) Used to edit and store, including font and color attributes, as rich text format (RTF).
uslider (Slider) Used to enter or modify a value by sliding an indicator in a set of a previously defined range of values.
uspinbutton (SpinButton) Displays a numeric value that can be increased or decreased by a predefined interval within a predefined range.
utab (Tab) Displays a tabbed container in which each tab contains a different form.
utabex (TabEx) Displays a tabbed container in which each tab contains a different form. It is highly-customizable, allowing extensive control over the appearance and behavior of the tabs.
utree (Tree) Hierarchically represents data; used for navigation through structured data


The available widgets depend on the default project GUI, as defined in the general preferences.

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