Configuring and Using the mvTelnet Server

mvTelnet defines connections to the mvBase Server for Telnet clients provided by third parties. The mvTelnet Server supports the industry standard Telnet protocol. This allows third party terminal emulators to connect to the mvBase Server.


mvTelnet is not a Telnet client but a Telnet client manager.

You configure an mvTelnet Server via the Telnet Servers tab, accessed via the Workstation tab of the Administration Utility. Configurable mvTelnet features include:

This section provides information about the following topics:

mvTelnet Server Considerations

Summarizes several operational and configuration factors that affect planning and implementation.

Licensing Telnet Clients

Summarizes mvBase license consumption by Telnet clients.

Configuring the mvTelnet Server

Describes the procedure to add or configure an mvTelnet Server, define the mvBase line number(s), the maximum quantity of connections, the TCP ports used and the Server to which Telnet clients connect.

Setting Up Serial Printers on TCP Ports

Describes the procedure for using a Telnet connection for a serial printer.

Connecting/Disconnecting Telnet Clients

Describes the procedure for connecting or disconnecting Telnet clients once one or more mvTelnet Servers have been configured.

Telnet Client Screen and Keyboard Options

Summarizes various screen and keyboard options available to Telnet clients.

Using the Options Tab

Describes the contents and application of the Options tab of the Administration Utility. Though this is separate from the Workstation, the tab is included in this section due to its close relevance to mvTelnet Servers.

Telnet Overview

Telnet is a standard program which uses the TCP/IP Internet protocol. Telnet provides a bidirectional means of communicating between a computer server system and a virtual terminal device.

A Telnet client is any client which communicates with the mvBase Server via an mvTelnet Server running as part of an mvBase Workstation. Telnet clients are often available on UNIX and Windows operating environments.

mvTelnet, the mvBase Telnet Server, is an integrated, special-purpose Telnet Server providing access to mvBase for Telnet clients who connect via a standard Telnet session. The widespread use of this protocol means that mvTelnet can provide a low cost, high performance connection solution for a wide range of end-user devices:

See Also

mvBase Operation and Administration Guide Overview

Syntax Notations

mvBase System Overview

Configuring and Using the mvBase Server

Daily System Maintenance

Update and Transaction Logging

mvBase System Security

Operating the mvBase Workstation

Configuring and Using the mvTerm Client

Configuring and Using Terminals

Configuring and Using COM Ports

Configuring and Using mvBase Printers

Configuring and Using mvBase Tape Units

mvBase Glossary

mvBase System Messages

Error Recovery and Troubleshooting

Using the Command Shell