Licensing of Telnet Clients

Licensing of Telnet clients follows one of these two models:

The serial (COM) ports initialize first if they are defined with the Connect on Workstation startup option selected. As a result, any COM ports so connected will consume available mvBase licenses, one for each port, even though users are not necessarily logged on. If all purchased mvBase licenses are consumed, then it may affect the subsequent connection of mvTelnet Servers and C/C++ API-based clients.

If the Telnet client is running on Windows and connecting via a local mvTelnet Server, then licensing works the same as for mvTerm client. That is, only the first connection (cumulative with or in addition to mvTerm client) consumes a license.

Users of Telnet clients running on a Windows PC may choose how their license consumption occurs. Users on other platforms cannot, and will consume one license for each Telnet connection.

Users of Telnet clients running on a Windows PC may connect to an mvTelnet Server running as part of a local (on the same system) mvWorkstation and have multiple connections to an mvBase Server while only consuming a single license. Such 3rd party terminal emulators are then treated in exactly the same way that the mvBase Virtual Terminal is treated with regard to license consumption.

Alternatively, users of Telnet clients running on a Windows PC may connect to an mvTelnet Server running as part of a remote (on a different system) mvWorkstation and have multiple connections to an mvBase Server, and each connection will consume a license.

Using USYSTEM to Determine License Consumption

See Also

Configuring and Using the mvTelnet Server

mvTelnet Server Considerations

Configuring the mvTelnet Server

Setting Up Serial Printers on TCP Ports

Connecting/Disconnecting Telnet Clients

Telnet Client Screen and Keyboard Options

Using the Options Tab