This section gives a brief description of user account commands in alphabetical order. Detailed command syntax and descriptions in command reference format are presented at the end of this section.
Command |
Description |
Selects items containing string for further processing. |
Adds one number to another. |
Lists an mvBASIC program. |
Prints block characters on the screen or printer. |
Creates a pointer for an mvBASIC program. |
Changes a file definition code. |
Charges system use to a specified charge-account. |
Reports usage statistics for the current logon session. |
Produces check-sum statistics for file items. |
Clears data files and dictionaries. |
Clears all group locks. |
Compares items within files and highlights differences and insertions. |
Compiles an mvBASIC program. |
Connects an attached line and a linked line. |
Copies file items. |
Renames and/or moves files. |
Copies a select-list. |
Counts file items. |
Creates mvBASIC files. |
Creates data files and dictionaries. |
Copies file items to the terminal. |
Edits an item with Full Screen Editor. |
Enables and disables debuggers. |
Removes a command Definition item. |
Deletes file items. |
Deletes a file. |
Deletes a saved select-list. |
Edits a word processing document with DocuMentor. |
Divides one number by another. |
Prints a document. |
Prints a document. |
Converts decimal numbers to hexadecimal. |
Toggles keyboard input display. |
Toggles keyboard input display. |
Creates or modifies a file item. |
Creates or modifies a file item. |
Edits a select-list. |
Exchanges the data in two items. |
Selects items containing string for further processing. |
Creates a select-list of data for a specified attribute. |
Lists items on forms. |
Retrieves a previously saved select-list. |
Lists file item statistics by groups. |
Tests effects of different modulos on item distribution. |
Summarizes item distribution in a file. |
Lists group statistics for an item’s group. |
Attaches a line to a process. |
Detaches a line from a process. |
Displays line characteristics. |
Displays status of a line. |
Generates reports from a database. |
Displays all data for items. |
Displays the item locks table. |
Lists data in label format. |
Lists protocol settings of processes and lines. |
Lists current Spooler assignments. |
Lists the Accounting History file. |
Sorts and lists connectives. |
Sorts and lists Attribute Definition items in a dictionary. |
Sorts and lists File Definition items. |
Lists the status of Spooler files. |
Sorts and lists Procs. |
Lists the status of available printers. |
Lists information about currently active user. |
Lists information about currently active users. |
Sorts and lists the commands available to an account. |
Lists protocol settings of processes and lines. |
Logs to another account. |
Repeats TCL statements. |
Sends a message. |
Transfers files between accounts. |
Sends a message. |
Multiplies two numbers. |
Selects items from active select-list that aren't in a file. |
Ends user sessions. |
Toggles suppression of terminal output. |
Copies an item from a POINTER-FILE to tape. |
Copies a file from tape to the POINTER-FILE. |
Lists available disk space. |
Invokes the System Message processor from TCL. |
Sets page length for a Printronix printer. |
Displays status of a process. |
Sets transmission characteristics for I/O lines. |
Verifies mvBASIC object code. |
Selects attribute values from selected file items. |
Recovers deleted items. |
Restructures file items. |
Renames files in an account. |
Lists multiple items on forms. |
Clears the item locks table. |
Converts hexadecimal numbers to decimal. |
Runs a mvBASIC program. |
Invokes the RUNOFF text formatter. |
Copies sorted items to tape. |
Selects n items for further processing. |
Saves a select-list. |
Selects items for further processing. |
Creates a Q-pointer. |
Provides R91 compatibility for the mvBASIC INPUT,0 command |
Defines printer page specifications. |
Adds a transient virtual tape file to mvBase. |
Lists items on forms in sorted order. |
Suspends a process. |
Generates reports in sorted order from a database. |
Displays sorted items. |
Lists data in label format and in sorted order. |
Sorts a select list. |
Defines print job output assignments. |
Edits Spooler hold files. |
Removes printers and print files; terminates print jobs. |
Makes one print job out of multiple print requests. |
Lists status of system printers. |
Transfers a print file from tape to the Spooler. |
Restructures and sorts items. |
Lists multiple items on forms in sorted order. |
Selects and sorts n items for further processing. |
Selects and sorts items for further processing. |
Lists statistics for a specified attribute. |
Stops a printer. |
Subtracts one number from another. |
Totals the data elements in a numeric attribute. |
Attaches a logical tape unit to the user’s process. |
Moves a tape backwards. |
Checks tape files for parity errors. |
Copies a tape to another tape. |
Detaches a tape unit from the user’s process. |
Copies items to tape. |
Advances a tape to the end of the data. |
Sets the tape drive format. |
Advances tape forward. |
Restores items from tape to disk drive. |
Resets the tape drive. |
Reads and stores tape labels. |
Displays the contents of a tape. |
Rewinds a tape. |
Selects and attaches logical tape units to a process. |
Spaces a tape forward. |
Lists the current tape device assignments. |
Writes an End-Of-File mark on a tape. |
Displays the type of tape drive currently selected. |
Writes and stores tape labels. |
Enables and disables type-ahead. |
Sets, enables, and disables tab stops. |
Sets and displays terminal and printer characteristics. |
Displays the current time and date. |
Displays user process numbers and account names. |
Controls data flow. |
Converts hexadecimal numbers to decimal. |
See Also
User Account Command Reference
Data Manipulation Commands For Files and Accounts
Editor and DocuMentor Commands