T-LOAD Command

The T-LOAD command restores file items that were previously saved to tape with either an incremental or full file-save, or T-DUMP (see T-DUMP, S-DUMP, FILE-SAVE, ACCOUNT-SAVE, INCR-SAVE, SAVE). These file items can only be copied to an existing file.


T-LOAD [DICT] filename [item-list] [selection] [modifiers] [(options)]



Specifies the file dictionary.


Name of the file.


List of individual item-IDs. Enclose each item-ID in single quotes.


Specifies one or more conditions that an item must meet in order to be restored. For a complete description of selection expression syntax, see the LIST Command.


Include one or more keywords that specify the report format. These parameters affect headers, footers, spacing, totalling column figures, control breaks, and more. For complete information about using these keywords, see the section, Connectives, Modifiers, and Options in the INFO/ACCESS User Reference Guide.


Include one or more single-character codes that specify the report format and direct or modify output. They must be enclosed in parentheses, can be entered in any order, and need not be separated by spaces or any delimiters such as commas. For complete information about using these parenthetical options, see the section, Connectives, Modifiers, and Options in the INFO/ACCESS User Reference Guide.


Before using the T-LOAD command, select the logical tape unit using the T-SELECT command. Then, attach the tape unit and set the tape record length by entering the T-ATT command. You can either select a block length, or accept the system default:

For 1/4-inch tape drives:

16,896 bytes

For floppy tape drives:

500 bytes

Using a Save Tape

Unless the A option is specified, the tape must be positioned at the beginning of the file-save tape before executing the T-LOAD command.

Upon executing the T-LOAD command, one or more of the following prompts display:

Account name on tape:  account-name

Dictionary name on tape:  dict-name

File name on tape:  file-name

If the A option is specified, the T-LOAD command assumes the tape is at a location other than BOT or EOF, and the following prompt displays:

>Level: 0-System 1-Account 2-Dictionary 3-Data File:

The Levels 0, 1, 2, and 3 are as follows:


Filesave tape is positioned within the SYSTEM file, and the user is prompted for an account name.


Filesave tape is positioned within the specified account, and the user is prompted for a dictionary name.


Filesave tape is positioned within the specified dictionary, and the user is prompted for a file name.


Filesave tape is positioned at the specified file name.

The A option is useful when restoring from volumes other than the first volume in a multivolume set, or when performing multiple T-LOADS from a single account.

When the restore operation is complete, the tape is positioned at the End-Of-File (EOF) mark.

You can also retrieve and list data from tape by using the TAPE modifier with INFO/ACCESS commands such as LIST and LIST-ITEM. For more information about the TAPE modifier, see the section Connectives, Modifiers, and Options.


Users will not be able to restore dictionaries, data files, or accounts that they are not authorized to access.

Restoring Items from Magnetic Tape

The following example restores from magnetic tape all items from the ORDERS file whose date is during the month of November 1987. This example also suppresses the listing of item-IDs:

>T-LOAD ORDERS WITH DATE LT "12/01/87" AND GT "10/31/87" (I)


Restoring Q-pointers from the SYSTEM File

When using the T-LOAD command to restore Q-pointers from the SYSTEM file, the user is prompted to enter an account name. Enter <RETURN> at the account name prompt, to restore all items in the SYSTEM file. For example:



Restoring Dictionary Items from the ACC File

When using the T-LOAD command to restore dictionary items from the ACC file, you are prompted to enter an account name and a dictionary name. Enter the account name (at the account name prompt) and <RETURN> (at the dictionary name prompt), to restore all dictionary items in the ACC file. For example: