T-DUMP Command

The T-DUMP command transfers a copy of all or selected file items in random order to magnetic tape. This command also creates a tape label and writes an End-Of-File (EOF) mark on the tape after the transfer is complete.


T-DUMP [DICT] filename [item-list] [selection] [HEADING "text"] [modifiers] [(options)]



Specifies the file dictionary. When copying dictionary items, the T-DUMP command does not copy any File Definition items to tape.


Name of the file.


List of individual item-IDs. Enclose each item-ID in single quotes.


Specifies one or more conditions that an item must meet in order to be copied. For a complete description of selection expression syntax, see the LIST Command.


Added to the standard tape label via the HEADING modifier.


Includes one or more keywords that specify the report format. These parameters affect headers, footers, spacing, totalling column figures, control breaks, and more. For complete information about using these keywords, see the section, Connectives, Modifiers, and Options in the INFO/ACCESS User Reference Guide.

The following modifiers operate differently with T-DUMP:


Suppresses the creation of a tape label.


Suppresses listing of item-IDs during the copy-to-tape operation.


Include one or more single-character codes that specify the report format and direct or modify output. They must be enclosed in parentheses, can be entered in any order, and need not be separated by spaces or any delimiters such as commas. For complete information about using these parenthetical options, see the section, Connectives, Modifiers, and Options in the INFO/ACCESS User Reference Guide.

The C option may be used when a backward compatible tape is to be produced (and later restored on an earlier system). The C option converts items in the dictionary of a DC-type file to CL items.


Before using the T-DUMP command, select the logical tape unit using the T-SELECT command. Then, attach the tape unit and set the tape record length by entering the T-ATT command. You can either select a block length, or accept the system default:

For 1/4-inch tape drives:

16,896 bytes

For Floppy tape drives:

500 bytes

If the tape’s write protection is on or if no write ring is present, the following message is displayed:



Remove the write protection or install a write ring, then type C to continue, or type Q to quit.

The T-DUMP command automatically writes a label to the tape in the following format:

You can add text to this label with the text parameter or suppress the tape label completely by including the HDR-SUPP keyword in the T-DUMP command line.

For information about reading a tape created with the T-DUMP command, see the T-LOAD Command.

Transferring Items to Magnetic Tape

The following example copies to magnetic tape all items from the ORDERS file whose date is before December 31, 1987. The tape label includes an addition to the standard text that reads "OLD ORDERS":


1   10117

2   10232

3   10089


