Configuring (and Saving) mvTerm Properties

You may define custom screen display and keyboard functions of a terminal when you configure a new mvTerm client session, or you may change the settings in an existing mvTerm client session file.

Perform these steps to (re)configure an mvTerm client session, (and to save those session properties, if desired):

  1. Launch the mvBase Terminal Emulator (mvTerm) application.

  2. From the mvBase Terminal Emulator screen, select Session.

  3. If configuring a new mvTerm client session, select New, then select Properties. If configuring the current mvTerm client session, select Properties. The Terminal Properties property sheet appears, showing multiple tabs.

  4. Change the session properties as you require. If making changes to multiple tabs, your changes are retained in each tab as you toggle to other tabs. From the Terminal Properties property sheet, you may:

  5. NOTE

    Some of these property definitions are mutually-exclusive.

The following topics are presented in this section:

Selecting a Caret Appearance

Choosing a Terminal Emulation Mode

Changing Function Key Definitions

Programming Mouse Properties

Changing the Terminal Page Size

Defining the mvTerm Auxiliary Printer

(Re)Defining the Terminal Font

Saving the mvTerm Session Properties

See Also

Configuring and Using the mvTerm Client

Setting Up mvTerm on Windows

Overview of the mvTerm Window

Using mvTerm Command Line Syntax

Creating Customized mvTerm Menus

Controlling mvTerm Properties from mvBASIC

Starting and Connecting mvTerm

Logging off and Disconnecting mvTerm

Copying and Pasting Within an mvTerm Client Session

Using Back Pages

Using Enhanced Programmable Mouse Click Features