Using Back Pages

mvTerm Client’s Back Pages feature provides an extension to the mvTerm copy and paste functionality to add back pages into the mvTerm screen buffer. These back pages are used to save information displayed in previously processed mvTerm windows and allow the user to scroll back through the back pages for viewing and selecting text for copy to clipboard operations. Text contained in multiple contiguous back pages can be selected.

Handling of special keyboard key sequences and toolbar buttons have been provided to allow the user to easily move backwards and forwards through the back pages. The current back page number and total number of screen buffer pages are displayed in a status bar pane to give the user navigational information when searching the back pages. The row and column screen size parameters are displayed in a status bar pane to aid the user in knowing the dimensions of the screen. The number of screen rows and columns are automatically adjusted when resizing the mvTerm window. The number of back pages for an mvTerm session can be dynamically reconfigured and the current setting for the number of back pages is retrieved when creating a new mvTerm session or when opening an mvTerm session using a previously saved configuration file (.vtm).

Information in Status Bar

To provide navigational information when searching the back pages, a new status bar pane has been provided containing the current back page number and total number of screen buffer pages. Whenever scrolling takes place due to clicking scroll bars, selecting partial text with the mouse positioned outside the mvTerm window, or hitting keyboard key sequences or clicking toolbar buttons to reposition to selected screen buffer positions, the status buffer pane is updated to display the current back page number. Whenever the number of the back page changes due to mvTerm echoing a clear screen or line feed character, this status buffer pane is updated.

The following topics are presented in this section:

Selecting Text


Screen Size

Dynamically Reconfiguring Back Pages

See Also

Configuring and Using the mvTerm Client

Setting Up mvTerm on Windows

Overview of the mvTerm Window

Configuring (and Saving) mvTerm Properties

Using mvTerm Command Line Syntax

Creating Customized mvTerm Menus

Controlling mvTerm Properties from mvBASIC

Starting and Connecting mvTerm

Logging off and Disconnecting mvTerm

Copying and Pasting Within an mvTerm Client Session

Using Enhanced Programmable Mouse Click Features