The mvTerm Client’s WHERE feature provides the functionality for an application (for example, an mvBASIC program) running on the mvBase Server to receive information about the activity of the mouse buttons within an mvTerm session. The mouse information that is provided includes the type of mouse button, the type of button click, and the position (row and column character-grid coordinates) of the mouse cursor.
The mvTerm Client provides WHERE handling identical to the functionality that currently exists in the ViaDuct, AccuTerm, and Termite/HostAccess terminal emulator products. These products have a defined set of character sequences that are recognized to enable and disable the WHERE feature. They also have a defined set of character sequences that are generated by the terminal emulator client when mouse actions occur that are selected for monitoring. These character sequences are handled programmatically by the application.
The application running on the mvBase Server outputs a character sequence to enable the WHERE feature. When a selected mouse action occurs, the application receives WHERE as data. After the application receives the WHERE data and doesn’t want to receive any more, the application outputs a character sequence to disable the WHERE feature.
Only the enable and disable character sequences (mouse on/mouse off) of the currently selected terminal emulation for WHERE is recognized. The character sequences for the nonselected terminal emulations for WHERE is not recognized.
When the WHERE feature is enabled (programmatically), the mouse cursor changes to a pointing hand to indicate that the mouse is active. During the time that the mouse is active, the mvTerm copy and paste functionality for selecting text and words by dragging or double-clicking the left mouse button is disabled. When the WHERE feature is disabled, the mouse cursor switches back to the standard I-Beam mouse cursor.
The mouse handling functionality of mvTerm that has existed in earlier mvBase releases allows users to specify a formatted data string for each mouse button that is sent as data on the data channel when the button is clicked. This functionality is still supported in the mvTerm Client.
The mvTerm Mouse property page has been changed to allow the user to select mvBase, one of the other terminal emulator products, or None as the standard for the mouse handling functionality.
The following topics are presented in this section:
Terminal Emulation vs. Terminal Emulator
mvBase Selection-Button Settings
See Also
Configuring and Using the mvTerm Client
Configuring (and Saving) mvTerm Properties
Using mvTerm Command Line Syntax
Creating Customized mvTerm Menus
Controlling mvTerm Properties from mvBASIC
Starting and Connecting mvTerm
Logging off and Disconnecting mvTerm