The File Manager application comprises the Menu Bar, Tool Bar and two panels:
The panel on the left is the Domain Explorer which displays all of the databases, tables and servers defined on a specified domain.
The panel on the right is the Workspace which displays various information pertinent to the options selected from the Menu Bar or the Domain Explorer.
The table below describes the features available from the File Manager's Menu Bar, Tool Bar, Domain Explorer and Workspace.
Menu Bar |
The Menu Bar includes the following menus: |
File |
Operations for opening the default Domain, and creating, renaming and deleting Databases. See Domains and Databases for more information. |
Edit |
Operations for editing Records and D-Pointers as well as standard Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo and Redo functionality. See Editing a Record and Editing a D-pointer for more information. |
View |
Operations for Refreshing the current display, displaying and hiding the Tool Bar and Status Bar, and opening the File Manger - Options dialog box which contains some general File Manager options. See File Manager Options for more information. |
Record Locks |
Operations for displaying and clearing record locks. See Record Locks for more information. |
Servers |
Operations for displaying the list of available servers and changing the MDS server name. See Listing Servers and Selecting the MDS Server Name for more information. |
Tools |
Operations for importing records and setting the Flash Shared Code memory usage. See Importing Records and Flash Shared Code for more information. |
Help |
Operations for displaying the File Manager help documentation and the current D3 version. |
Tool Bar |
The Tool Bar includes the following icons: |
Open the default domain in the Domain Explorer. |
Opens additional instances of the File Manager application. Additional windows are useful when using the drag-and-drop method to copy or move data, especially when it is difficult to have both the source and the destination in view. |
Displays the File Manager help documentation. |
Domain Explorer |
The Domain Explorer displays a tree-view of the databases, tables and synonyms of the current domain as well as the servers and clients associated to the current domain. Right-clicking nodes in the databases, tables and synonyms tree-view displays the various operation that can be performed on that database, table or synonym. |
Root database node which holds all of the databases on the current domain. Right-clicking this node displays operations for creating a new database and editing the D-pointer. See Creating a Database and Editing a D-pointer for more information. |
Database node which defines a single database in the current domain, including its Dictionary tables, Data Level tables and Synonyms. Right-clicking this node displays operations for renaming and deleting the database. See Renaming a Database and Deleting a Database for more information. |
Root table node which holds all of the tables defined on the current database. Right-clicking this node displays operations for displaying the table's Master Dictionary and properties, counting the records in the table, creating a new table, checking table overflow, and editing the table's D-pointer and records. See Listing the Content of a Table, Counting a Table, Creating a Table, Editing a Record, Editing a D-pointer, Checking Overflow and General Table Properties for more information. |
Table node which holds all of the tables defined on the current table. Right-clicking this node displays operations for displaying the table's Dictionary and properties, counting the records in the table, copying, renaming and deleting the table, creating a new Data Level for the table, clearing the table's Dictionary, and editing the table's D-pointer and records. See Listing the Content of a Table, Counting a Table, Copying a Table, Renaming a Table, Deleting a Table, Creating a New Data Level for a Table, Clearing a Table, Editing a Record, Editing a D-pointer, and General Table Properties for more information. |
Data Level node which holds all of the data defined on the current table. Right-clicking this node displays operations for displaying the Data Level's data and properties, counting the records in the Data Level, copying, renaming, deleting and clearing the Data Level, managing indexes, and editing records in the Data Level. See Listing the Content of a Table, Counting a Table, Copying a Table, Renaming a Table, Deleting a Table, Clearing a Table, Managing Indexes, Editing a Record, and General Table Properties for more information. |
Root synonym node which holds all of the table synonyms (Q-pointers) on the current database. Right-clicking this node displays the operation for editing (creating) a new synonym. See Creating and Editing Synonyms for more information. |
Synonym node which defines a single table synonym (Q-pointer) on the current database. Right-clicking this node displays the operation for editing the synonym. See Creating and Editing Synonyms for more information. |
Root server node which displays the server on which the current domain is defined and all of the clients associated to that server. Clicking this node displays server licensing information in the Workspace. |
Server node which defines the MDS server on which the current domain is defined. |
Root client node which displays all of the clients associated to the server. Clicking this node displays a listing of clients and Client-Id's in the Workspace. |
Client node which defines one of the clients associated to the server. |
Client-Id node which displays an active threads on a client. |
Workspace |
Displays various information depending upon which operation is selected from the Menu Bar or Domain Explorer. |
See Also