The Check Overflow Files option displays an overflow report for the specified files. Complete the instructions below to display the overflow report.
To check overflow:
Right click the Tables node for the database you want to check from the Domain Explorer and select the Check Overflow Files option.
The Files Overflow dialog box displays.
Do any of the following:
Select the Show all files check box and click the Refresh button to displays statistics for all tables in the database. If the Show all files check box is not selected, only those tables that are currently in an overflow condition are displayed.
The files icons representing each table in the database are color-coded to indicate the overflow state:
Indicates a file with an overflow condition whose ratio is less than 100%. |
Indicates a file with an overflow condition whose ratio is 100% or more. |
Indicates a file without an overflow condition. |
Select the Small Icons option from the View Mode drop-down to suppress the statistic report and only display icons representing each table in the database.
Change the Overflow Percentage slider and click the Refresh button to limit the files displayed in the report to those that have an overflow percentage (ratio) of the selected value or greater. For example, if 200 is selected, only those files with an overflow ratio of 200% or greater are displayed.
Click any of the files in the report to open the General tab of the Properties dialog box where you can test and resize the modulo for the file. See General Table Properties, Running a Hash Test and Resizing Files for more information.
See Also