s-dump command The s-dump command writes items from a given file to the attached peripheral storage device in sorted order. The heading or header modifier allows specifying the contents of the tape label written to the tape prior to the dump. The tape must already be at load point in order to write the tape label. If no selection criteria are specified, the entire file is written.
save command The save command invokes the backup procedure to save the entire file system, an individual account, or to perform an incremental save. It is the process invoked by the account-save and file-save commands.
save-list command The save-list command writes the list of item-IDs generated by a select, sselect, qselect, or get-list command.
:scroll command The :scroll BASIC program displays the output of a TCL command in a scrollable (text) window.
search command The search command searches a file for the existence of one or more strings of characters in any attribute and optionally creates and saves a list.
search-system command The search-system BASIC program searches every file in the D3 file system for the existence of one or more strings of characters in any attribute and optionally creates and saves a list. If a master dictionary name is provided, only that account is searched. The search-system command searches remote accounts (Q-pointers) in the mds.
sel-restore command The sel-restore command selectively restores items from either a file-save, account-save, incremental save, or transaction log media to a specific file.
send-message command The send-message BASIC program directs a text message to a specific port, a specific user-ID, all current users, or every device attached to the system.
set command The set BASIC program modifies the value of a D3 user shell variable.
set-8mm command The set-8mm command sets the 8mm data cartridge as the tape device, by invoking the set-device command and passing in the argument 8mm and an i option. The default block size is 16384.
set-abs command The set-abs command designates a file as the data section associated to the boot ABS, or control the boot ABS specifications.
set-active-update command The set-active-update command ensures that data fragments are cleaned-up from file-system frames whenever data is deleted from a file. Additionally, frames that are being returned to local overflow are also scrubbed.
set-batch command The set-batch BASIC program displays or changes the current sensitivity value for the interactive/batch trigger.
set-batchdly command The set-batchdly BASIC program displays or changes the current sensitivity value for the interactive/batch trigger, as well as the weight of the trigger and the trigger cancel value.
set-baud command The set-baud BASIC program sets the baud rate for the current port or for another port.
set-bootsleep command The set-bootsleep BASIC program sets the delay (in seconds) before the system is booted automatically.
set-break command The set-break BASIC program displays or changes the value of the break character used as an optional substitute for the BREAK key for the current port.
set-cmem command The set-cmem BASIC program displays or changes the size of the data area used for the BASIC/C or BASIC/GM Assembler interface for the current process.
set-compat command The set-compat command allows a user (port), or the global environment, to be set to a particular Pick compatible environment. Using this command allows functionality to be added to D3 that is specific to a particular Pick compatible environment.
set-compiler command The set-compiler BASIC program sets backward BASIC compiler compatibility.
set-date command The set-date BASIC program sets the system software date, and optionally the system hardware clock.
set-date-eur command The set-date-eur command toggles the standard (American) date format to European/International format: dd/mm/yy for input and output purposes.
set-date-format command The set-date-format command allows changing the domestic time/date format using items from the date-format file.
set-date-std command The set-date-std command toggles the European/International date format to standard (American) format: mm/dd/yy for input and output.
set-date-window command The set-date-window command allows specifying the rollover point on your system.
set-decimal command The set-decimal command designates that a numeric expression of 1 is equal to 100 units.
set-def-tape-blk command There are two methods to configure the drive in variable block size mode:
set-device command The set-device FlashBASIC program attaches the SCT, floppy disk, half-inch, or special devices.
set-dozens command The set-dozens command designates that a numeric expression of 1 is equal to 12 units.
set-dptr command The set-dptr BASIC program changes the first attribute of file-defining D-pointers, to set or reset special types, such as dx or dy.
set-esc command The set-esc BASIC program specifies the value of the key to treat as the ESC key. This key subsequently pushes a level when pressed.
set-file command The set-file BASIC program creates or updates the synonym-defining item called qfile in the master dictionary of the current account.
set-floppy command The set-floppy command attaches the first floppy (in the list-device listing) drive to the current process for subsequent input or output activity. The drive indicator and density are indicated with the options provided.
set-flush command The set-flush BASIC program displays or changes the value of the period of the flush and of the forced flush.
set-half command The set-half command attaches the 1/2-inch tape drive to the current process for subsequent input or output activity. Change the default block size with the t-att command.
set-imap command The set-imap BASIC program defines a keyboard input and/or a terminal output translation table, through which any sequence of keyboard input and terminal output characters can be translated into any other sequence of characters.
set-incremental command The set-incremental command enables or disables the incremental save feature.
set-iomap command The set-iomap BASIC program allows translatable input and output for each port on the system.
set-kbrd command For Linux only. Use the set-kbrd BASIC program to change between standard international keyboard maps for line 0 (zero). This command is used from the dm account.
set-num-format command The set-num-format command changes the currency sign, thousand, and decimal point in an m conversion, at a local or global level. All of these signs must be a single character. The defaults for these are the previous settings.
set-opendb-password command The set-opendb-password command sets or removes an encrypted password on an OpenDB host. Passwords are saved in attribute 3 of the hosts file.
set-overflow-id command The set-overflow-id command toggles the overflow ID signature on and off.
set-ovf-local command The set-ovf-local command sets and displays the local overflow cache size.
set-ovf-reserve command The set-ovf-reserve command in the DM account, sets aside a specific number of frames as the spare tank in the event that the overflow table runs out of frames. The default is 1024 or .5% of your available disk space (maxfid), whichever is greater. When the set-ovf-reserve command is run, the system displays both the old and new reserve values.
set-port command The term set-port BASIC program displays or changes the communication speed and protocol for a specified port or displays the current setting if none of the communication parameters are specified.
set-remote-close command The set-remote-close command toggles on and off the BASIC close command’s ability to close remote files.
set-remote-user command The set-remote-user BASIC program can be used to allow the local user to utilize a different user and/or password when connecting to a remote OSFI server which has been started with the a option to force user/password authorization.
set-runaway-autoquit command The set-runaway-autoquit command in the DM account automatically terminates the specified process in the event of an overflow runaway condition. If set-runaway-autoquit is not specified and an overflow runaway condition occurs, a prompt (Continue or Quit) displays instead. All overflow runaway conditions are logged to the errors file.
set-runaway-limit command The set-runaway-limit command in the DM account establishes the maximum number of frames allowed before an overflow runaway condition occurs. If the number of frames acquired by the specified process when either writing or retrieving an item reaches the specified limit, the system detects an overflow runaway condition and reports it. This command can be applied globally to all lines or locally to the current line. See set-runaway-autoquit command for more information.
set-sct command The set-sct command attaches the SCT drive to the current process. This must be executed before any other tape handling commands. This command is provided for compatibility.
set-shutdown-delay command The set-shutdown-delay command is provided primarily for installations which have disk-caching hard-disk controllers. This provides time for the disk to flush.
set-sound command The set-sound BASIC program sets the system console sound level on port 0 only.
set-sym command The set-sym command indicates the symbol table to use for references to system variables from within the system, or virtual debugger.
set-thousands command The set-thousands command designates that a numeric expression of 1 is equal to 1000 units.
set-time command The set-time command sets the current system time. The hours are specified from 00 (12:00 AM) to 23 (11:00 PM). The current time can be displayed by pressing CTRL+M or Enter at the TCL prompt, or by entering the TCL command time. If the time is actually changed, set-time logs an entry in the errors file.
set-units command The set-units command designates that a numeric expression of 1 is equal to 1 unit.
setpib0 command The setpib0 command resets the system’s port 0 (console) to the correct terminal type. The default terminal type varies from platform to platform:
setport command The setport BASIC program sets all ports (except port 0) to 9600 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit, and 8 data bits.
setup-printer command The setup-printer BASIC program downloads fonts to a laser printer attached to a form queue.
shell-variable-off macro The shell-variable-off macro disables shell variable replacement from TCL. This is the default setting.
shell-variable-on macro The shell-variable-on macro enables shell variable replacement from TCL.
shp-kill command The shp-kill command terminates a D3 printer shared with UNIX and all the associated processes. Users who do not own the process and are not root, will not be able to kill the printer.
shpstat command The shpstat BASIC program examines or changes the status of shared BASIC programs that have been compiled with FlashBASIC.
shp-status command The shp-status command displays status information about printers shared with UNIX, started by the startshp command.
shutdown command The shutdown BASIC program initiates an orderly system shutdown sequence and should be executed before turning off or rebooting any D3 system.
sleep command The sleep command suspends further processing until the specified time expression is exhausted or reached.
sort-list command The sort-list BASIC program retrieves a previously saved list, sorts it, then rewrites it to the file from which it was retrieved.
sort-users command The sort-users BASIC program invokes the list-users BASIC program but sorts the output by user rather than by port number.
sortc command The sortc BASIC program invokes the sort-label command to produce a columnar display of the item-IDs in the specified file, in the order of appearance in the file.
sp-assign command The sp-assign command displays, changes or resets the current spooler output assignment options for the current process/user. An sp-assign command with no options closes any currently open files assigned by the current process and resets the assignment to the default state. The default assignment is: output to printer, normal spooler entry (meaning, not a hold file), one copy, form queue 0, close files at end of process, queue job for output immediately upon closing.
sp-close command The sp-close command closes all current spooler entries previously opened by the current line with an sp-open command or an o option in conjunction with an sp-assign command.
sp-edit command The sp-edit command accesses existing spooler entries for processing or deletion.
sp-kill command The sp-kill command stops spooler entry output or removes printers and shared printers.
sp-open command The sp-open command leaves the next spooler entry generated by the current process open upon completion of the output generating process. Any subsequent (printer) output is attached to the end of the open entry, until an sp-close command or an sp-assign command is issued.
sp-status command The sp-status command displays the status of all spooler-controlled devices.
sp-tapeout command The sp-tapeout command retrieves (inputs) reports previously spooled to magnetic media and directs output to the spooler. The spooler redirects the file according to the options currently specified in sp-assign.
speller command The speller command enables or disables the spelling checker for the current user/port only, or displays the status of the speller if no options are provided.
stack command The stack command enables or disables the tcl-stacking function for the current port only, or displays the status of the stacker if no options are provided.
start-reclaim-ovf command The start-reclaim-ovf BASIC program’s overflow reclamation process is initiated on the current line or as a phantom process if the b option was specified with the reclaim-ovf command.
start.rtc command The start.rtc BASIC program initiates the system’s real-time clock. This happens automatically during the boot process, provided a real-time clock is present. If one is not present, the current time is requested from the person standing closest to the console.
start.ss command The start.ss command starts the spooler and the phantom scheduler.
startlog command The startlog command activates the transaction logging subsystem. All items in files with a dl-type are automatically logged to the attached magnetic media on each add, change, or delete to the item.
startptr command The startptr command activates and initializes up to 2048 printers. The actual number of printers supported depends on the hardware configuration. If the status of the printer is active, startptr has no effect.
startshp command The startshp command starts a shared printer under UNIX. The output of the D3 printer process is routed to the UNIX spooler. This command combines the startptr command and the necessary assignfq command.
startspooler command The startspooler command kills all printers associated with the spooler, then initializes the spooler and returns it to normal operation. This process is usually invoked when the system is powered on.
steal-file command The steal-file BASIC program is the only valid way to move a file from another account into the current account.
stoplog command The stoplog command stops the transaction logger and detaches the transaction logger tape.
stopptr command The stopptr command stops the specified printer at the end of the current print job. If the printer is inactive, it stops immediately. If it is active, it stops at the end of the current print file. If the current print file is specified to print multiple copies, the printer stops after the completion of the current copy. Sys2 privileges are required to use stopptr. Executing this command without specifying a printer attempts to stop printer 0.
sub command The sub command subtracts the second integer number provided from the first integer number provided and displays the result as an integer number.
subx command The subx command subtracts the second hexadecimal number provided from the first hexadecimal number provided and displays the result as a hexadecimal number.
syschk command The syschk BASIC program checks a system running under UNIX to detect abnormal situations.
sysid command The sysid BASIC program displays system configuration, options, and features.
system-coldstart macro The system-coldstart macro executes system initialization commands.