set-dptr command

The set-dptr BASIC program changes the first attribute of file-defining D-pointers, to set or reset special types, such as dx or dy.


set-dptr {[+|-]types} {item.list} {(options}


[+|-] Attribute list consists of a + to set an attribute or a - to remove an attribute, followed by a string of one or more characters.
attributes One or more characters among the valid dictionary code attributes: x, y, l, s, p, n, and u. See File-Defining Items in the Glossary for more information on file-defining item dictionary code attributes.

If no attribute change is specified, then the types of all the specified files display. It is not allowed to turn on the l attribute and either of x or y. When trying to set the l attribute, files currently dx or dy are not altered. Similarly, files currently dx or dy, do not have the l attribute set. The n and the u options are mutually exclusive.

Note: When enabling a file (+l) for Hot Backup or Transaction Logging, use the d option to preserve file integrity.
types One or more characters among the following:  x, y, l, s, p, n, and u.

If no change is specified, then the types of all the specified files display. It is not allowed to turn on the l type and either of x or y. When trying to set the l type, files currently dx or dy are not altered. Similarly, files currently dx or dy, do not have the l type set. The n and the u options are mutually exclusive as well as the t type and the l type.

item.list List of elements to change. If not explicitly stated, a select list must be used. If the a option is used, the specified items are a list of accounts. All files in the account, dictionaries and data levels, are altered. The D-pointer defining the account in the mds file, is also altered. If the f option is used, the specified items are a list of files. If specifying a simple file name, such as bp, then the dictionary and all data levels are altered. If specifying an explicit data level, such as bp,bp, then only the specified data level is altered. Explicit path names are accepted.
options a Changes accounts. The item list is a list of accounts.
d When used with the +l attribute, ensures that the newly logged file is synchronized with the Hot Backup slave or a Transaction Log tape.
f Changes files. The item list is a list of files. The f option is the default.
p Prints all changes to the printer.
q Quiet option suppresses the user’s message.
s Displays ds type files.

At the end, the number of files actually changed displays. In case of error, the error messages display at the end.

  • The set-dptr command will not affect processes that currently have the file open. Those processes must either close the file or logoff for the change to take affect.

  • The sensitivity of a file cannot be changed after the file is created.

  • If the dictionary of a file contains items that look like D-pointers (that is, the first attribute starts with a d, attributes 2 and 3 are numerical), these items can be altered.

  • Although the dataset of a file may be changed independently of the file’s dictionary, it is not possible to change a dictionary independent of the dataset. In other words, any changes applied to the dictionary of a file are also applied to the dataset.

  • If the attribute 1 of a D-pointer contains attributes other than the ones supported by this command, they are left intact.


Sets the p type to all data levels of the file bp in the current account.

set-dptr +p bp (f

Sets the x type to all data levels of the file entity in the account pa.

set-dptr +x pa,entity, (f

Sets the x type, removes the l type to the data level backup of the file entity in the account pa.

set-dptr +x -l pa,entity,backup (f

Selects all accounts in the system, and removes all x y types in all files in all accounts.

select mds
set-dptr -xy (a
Note: It is not necessary to select items in the mds file, which are real D-pointers. set-dptr ignores Q-pointers and items that do not look like D-pointers.

Selects all accounts in the system, except dm, adds the l option, and removes all y types in all files in all the selected accounts.

select mds # "dm"
set-dptr +l -y (a