set-break command

The set-break BASIC program displays or changes the value of the break character used as an optional substitute for the BREAK key for the current port.


set-break {decimal.value}|{.hexadecimal.value}|{off}|{esc}|{^} {(options}


The initial value of this character is set for the entire virtual machine by the brkchr statement in the configuration file. Without any argument, this command displays the current value.

decimal.value Value 0-255.
hexadecimal.value Value 0-ff. This must be preceded with a period.
off Disables the BREAK key.
esc Defines the ESC key as the BREAK key.
^ Indicates the character specified is a control character.
options q Quiet option suppresses all terminal output.

The set-break off disables the BREAK key. The value to assign the BREAK key can be referenced by its ASCII or hexadecimal value.

  • Using the escape character as the value assigns 27 (x'1b').

  • Using the off command as the value assigns 255 (x'ff').

  • Using a character specification assigns that character to the BREAK key.

  • Using the ^ indicates the character specified is a control character.

When this function is enabled by assigning a value other than x'ff' to this character, and when the brk-level command has been issued, pressing the corresponding key pushes one more TCL level. When the brk-debug command is issued, pressing the corresponding key enters the FlashBASIC or system debugger.

Assigning an unreasonable value to the break character will have unpredictable results. For example, set-break 13 makes pressing ENTER push a level or break.


Displays the current definition for the BREAK key.

Break value x’1C’ (decimal 28)

Defines the BREAK key as CTRL+C.

set-break 3
Break value x’03’ (decimal 3)
Previous value x’1C’ (decimal 28)

Defines the ESC key as the BREAK key.

set-break esc
Break value x’1B’ (decimal 27)
Previous value x’03’ (decimal 3)