sp-kill command

The sp-kill command stops spooler entry output or removes printers and shared printers.


sp-kill {options}




options printer.number {-printer.number} Aborts jobs on a given printer number, or a range of printer numbers, between 0 and the maximum printer number.
a Stops spooler entry or entries created by the current user-ID.
b All entries. When used with the d option, this kills all printers. When used with the f option, this kills all open jobs. When used without any other option, this aborts all active printers.
c Kills all copies of the spooler entry or entries, rather than just the current copy.
dprinter.number {-printer.number} Deletes given printers from the system. This requires a sys2 privilege level. When used with the w option, it waits until the current job completes, rather than aborting it immediately.
f{file.number {-file.number}} Returns spooler entries to available hold file status. The beginning and ending file numbers must be in the range of 1 through 31,999.
n Suppresses abort message on output when directed to a printer. See s option below.
o Used with the f option, this unlinks print files already being output.
s Suppresses system messages. See n option above.
u Used with the d option, this deletes printer 0 (zero) only.
w Waits until all processes have finished. Use of this option with sp-kill is identical to using the stopptr dn, which causes printer n to die after the current job.
Note: sp-kill and stopptr are not exactly synonyms. sp-kill cannot be removed, as it has several other features that stopptr does not perform. These are two totally different commands that have overlapping options.


This command provides the following functions:

  • Aborts the currently active print jobs immediately.

  • Dequeues print files on the optionally specified printer.

  • Removes printers from the spooler system.

  • If the specified printer is a D3 printer shared with UNIX, calls shp-kill to terminate the shared printer and all associated processes. Note that users who do not own the process and are not root, will not be able to kill the printer.

Note: For Windows: The sp-kill command is only supported for output that has been directed to the D3 Spooler. It is not supported for output to the Windows Spooler. Use the Windows Print Manager instead.

If no options are specified, sp-kill aborts the current print job on printer 0 (zero). Unless the user-ID has sys2 privileges, only print files generated by the current user-ID invoking the sp-kill can be aborted. Sys2 privileges allow termination of any print file.


sp-kill 1 Kills the print job on printer 1.
sp-kill of7 Kills print file 7, even if it is being output, and returns it to an available, hold file status.
sp-kill Kills the current print file on printer 0.
sp-kill a Kills all print files currently being output, that were generated by the current user-ID.
sp-kill a2 Kills the print file on printer 2.
sp-kill 3-5 kills the print files going to printers 3, 4, and 5.
sp-kill b Kills all print files going to all printers.
sp-kill f5-10 Changes print files 5 through 10 to hold files.
sp-kill bf Changes all print files going to all printers into hold files.
sp-kill d1 Deletes printer 1 from the system.
sp-kill d3-5 Deletes printers 3, 4, and 5 from the system.
sp-kill bd Deletes all printers from the system.