send-message command

The send-message BASIC program directs a text message to a specific port, a specific user-ID, all current users, or every device attached to the system.


send-message user-ID text
send-message * text
send-message ! port.number text
send-message !* text




user-ID Sends the message to any port where the specified user-ID is logged on.
* Sends the message to all users currently logged on to the system.
!port.number Sends the message to the specified port.
!* Sends the message to every terminal (and serial printer) connected to the system, whether or not the device is logged on. (Even terminals sitting at the logon screen receive a message).
options b Forces beep on receiving process.
d Forces no delay on receiving process.

The recipient of the message sees the time/date, the user-ID and port number of the user who sent the message, and the text of the message. A beep (bell, alert) is sounded and the process sleeps 3 seconds. The text need not be enclosed in quotation marks.

If the recipients of the message is in the Update processor or in a menu, they are prompted to press ENTER to continue before the screen is redisplayed. This message times out in 60 seconds.

If the recipient(s) of the message is shelled out into UNIX, then the message is written directly to the appropriate tty device.

The @(x,y) and @(-x) functions may be used within message text.

For example, msg !2 @(-1) @(40,20). This message clears the screen, then displays this message at cursor position 40,20 on port 2. When using the @ function, the beep and the 3-second delay are disabled on the process receiving the message, unless the b and/or d options are used.


Sends the message to port 0 only.

send-message !0 are you there?

Sends the message to port 5. The message first clears the screen, then prints Here is some text at cursor location (40,10).

send-message !5 @(-1) @(40,10) Here is some text