set-remote-close command

The set-remote-close command toggles on and off the BASIC close command’s ability to close remote files.


set-remote-close {(options}


options d Sets the on or off action system-wide.
n Toggles the feature on. Associated remote files are closed and resources such as handles and memory are released when the program completes or issues a close command.
f Toggles the feature off (default). Resources allocated to open files, such as handles and memory, are not released until the process logs off.

This command allows the entire system or a specific user to favor either:

  • performance when remote closing is off and everything is cached

  • resource availability when remote closing is on and resources are freed

Note: Some resources cannot be released if other processes have the same file open.

Each client maintains a cache of remote files. A usage counter that increments every time the file is opened and decrements every time the file is closed is maintained for each file in the cache. The close command is issued to the server when the counter decrements to zero.

Parent levels of the file level opened are automatically opened and closed when the child level opens and closes. For example, if a data level is opened, the dict and MD levels are also opened, and their usage counters are adjusted accordingly.

When a BASIC select list is active, the file cannot be closed (even with the close command) until readnext statements have exhausted the list.

Warning: The usage counters are maintained by actual open and close calls, whether performed by a program or the system. If a program opens a file once and copies the file variable to other variables, the counter is incremented once. A close command must be issued to close the file.