startptr command

The startptr command activates and initializes up to 2048 printers. The actual number of printers supported depends on the hardware configuration. If the status of the printer is active, startptr has no effect.

For Windows: The startptr command does not apply when configuring D3 printers as direct printers. You will not get an entry number when sending a print job to a printer configured in D3 as a direct printer.


startptr number{,queue, eject.pages, type/address,{a} {(options)}}
startptr number, (q1{,q2{,q3}}), eject.pages, type/address, {a} {(options)}


number Printer number between 0 and the maximum printer number, which is determined by the actual number of physical ports on the system, plus 4. If no other options are specified, this restarts a stopped printer.
q1 - q3   Output queue numbers between 0 and 2047, inclusive. q1 is given first priority for spooling, q2 is given second priority, and so on. At least one form queue must be specified, but not more than three.
eject.pages Number of pages to eject at the end of each print file, and must be between 0 and 9, inclusive. See the s option below.
type/address Printer type and port number. The printer type will be s (serial printer). All printers are treated internally as serial devices, even when (as in the case of a shared printer) the device is a pseudo device. The address is determined by the type. For serial printers the address references the port number.
a Initiates the alignment process. The system prompts for the number of lines, and then prints a sample alignment. After each trial, it prompts again for either a y to try the alignment again, t to terminate the alignment process, or n to input a different number of alignment lines. During the alignment process the printer is not yet considered attached to the spooler, so it cannot yet receive print jobs.
options b The serial printer is assigned the linefeed and form feed delays of the initiator. If the b option is not used when starting the printer, the printer will set its linefeed and form feed delays to 0.
d Enables debugger on the current port. Used primarily by developers to test spooler code.
s Inhibits the initial page-eject command at the start of a print file. See eject.pages above.
x{n} Indicates that the serial printer does not recognize an ASCII form feed character as a page-eject command. The printing process must count lines within the page and send the correct number of blank lines when a page-eject command occurs. n indicates the number of lines per page. If the x option is specified and there is no numeric specification, the page length defaults to 66 lines.


startptr 1,1,0,s12 Starts printer 1 on form queue 1, skipping 0 pages between jobs, on serial port 12.
startptr 9,(98,99),1,s19 Starts printer 1 on form queues 98 and 99, skipping 1 page between jobs, on serial port 19.
startptr 1,(3,4,5),1,s11 Starts printer 1 on form queues 3, 4 and 5, skipping 1 page between jobs, on serial port 11.