set-runaway-autoquit command

The set-runaway-autoquit command in the DM account automatically terminates the specified process in the event of an overflow runaway condition. If set-runaway-autoquit is not specified and an overflow runaway condition occurs, a prompt (Continue or Quit) displays instead. All overflow runaway conditions are logged to the errors file.


set-runaway-autoquit ({n|f}{l|<pib.num>}


n Turns this feature on.
f Turns this feature off.
l Local. Specifies that this command applies to only the line from which the command is executed.
Note: If neither the pib.num or l option is specified, the command is applied to the global default.
pib.num Specifies that the command applies to only the line specified in pib.num.
Note: If neither the pib.num or l option is specified, the command is applied to the global default.

If neither n nor f is specified, the current setting displays.


Turns the autoquit feature on for the current line.

set-runaway-autoquit (n l

Turns the autoquit feature off for line 1501.

set-runaway-autoquit (f 1501

Turns the autoquit feature on for all lines with the global limit.

set-runaway-autoquit (n