ld command The ld command presents the best guess of what one wants to see in a columnar listing of any dictionary.
ldf macro The ldf macro lists the summary description (attribute 17) of each attribute-defining item in the specified file.
legend command The legend is a static statement stored as an item in dm,messages, file. This is in contrast to headings and footings, which are dynamic, changing with each page output.
lerrs macro The lerrs macro performs a series of reports from the dm,errors, file.
lfd macro The lfd macro produces a sorted listing of all file-defining items in the specified file, along with the description attribute from each file pointer.
lfs macro The lfs macro contains the AQL sentence which uses the dm,file-of-files file. Any options from list-file-stats are appended to the macro and included in the sentence. This macro is invoked by the list-file-stats and file-save commands.
lfsb macro This macro is the same as the lfsi macro except that the i-fms column becomes index-fms. index-fms is the number of frames in the index only. That is, the number excludes the number of frames used in the file.
lfsi macro This macro is the same as the lfs macro except that the bytes column becomes i-bytes and the frames column becomes i-fms. i-bytes is the sum of the number of index frames times the frame size plus the number of bytes in the file (that is, indexes + data). i-fms is the sum of the number of frames in the index plus the number of frames in the file.
link-pibdev command The link-pibdev BASIC program creates a logical link between the given (or current) process and the specified port number.
list-abs macro The list-abs macro produces a report of each D3 mode in the dm,abs, file, showing any modes it calls and those modes which are called.
list-commands macro The list-commands macro produces a report showing every executable command in the specified master dictionary (md); this includes: Procs, macros, menus, cataloged FlashBASIC programs (BASIC commands) and D3 commands.
list-device command The list-device command displays the currently defined devices.
list-errors macro The list-errors macro produces a sorted report of the error messages logged into the dm,errors, file, beginning with the most recently logged message.
list-file-access command The list-file-access BASIC program displays file access statistics for the desired files.
list-file-stats command The list-file-stats BASIC program produces the file statistics report generated from the most recently executed file-save command or account-save command.
list-files command The list-files BASIC program produces a report of all file-defining items(D-pointers) and synonym-defining items (Q-pointers).
list-index command The list-index BASIC program lists all indexes for a given file name, account name, or for the system.
list-jobs macro The list-jobs macro produces a report indicating the status of all phantom controlled processes currently in the dm,jobs, file.
list-lines command The list-lines BASIC program displays communications protocol information for every port attached to the virtual machine.
list-lists macro The list-lists macro produces a sorted report of all previously saved lists in the pointer-file file.
list-lockq command The list-lockq command lists the VME processes that are enqueue (waiting) to lock a frame, that is currently locked by some other process.
list-locks command The list-locks BASIC program displays the current status of all system, FlashBASIC, spooler, group, and item locks.
list-logoffs command The list-logoffs BASIC program produces a report showing the history of logoffs recorded in the dm,errors, file, along with who logged off and the status of the logged off port.
list-macros macro The list-macros macro produces a sorted report of all items defined as macros in the specified account name or your local MD (if md is specified).
list-menu command The list-menu command produces a documentation quality presentation format of menu(s).
list-menus macro The list-menus macros produces a sorted listing of all items defined as menus in the specified master dictionary.
list-obj command The list-obj BASIC program outputs descriptive internal information about programs compiled for BASIC and FlashBASIC.
list-pibs macro The list-pibs macro produces a report of each active port in the dm,pibs, file, showing the port number, the current user of that port and the current terminal/printer characteristics as defined by the term-type command.
list-resizing macro The list-resizing command lists the status of files currently being resized from the dm,resizing file.
list-runaway-limit Command The list-runaway-limit command lists the overflow runaway settings for all pibs. This includes the current runaway limit and whether the set-runaway-autoquit feature is set to on or off.
list-runtime-errors macro The list-runtime-errors macro produces a sorted report of error conditions logged into the dm,runtime-errors, file.
list-system-errors macro The list-system-errors macro produces a sorted report of error conditions logged into the dm,errors, file.
list-tandems command The list-tandems BASIC program lists the devices currently involved in a tandem association.
list-users command The list-users BASIC program produces a report of users currently logged on to the system.
listabs command The listabs command displays the current spooler assignment parameters for each process on the system.
listacc command The listacc BASIC program produces a report of system usage statistics from the dm,acc, file for all accounts, or for a specified account, or for a specific user-ID.
listbi command The listbi command lists the built-in c functions in the item UNIX.builtin, c.builtin (MS-DOS) and user.builtin located in the dm,messages, file. These include any built-in c functions that have been added using the addbi command.
listc command The listc BASIC program invokes the list-label BASIC program to produce a columnar display of the item-IDs in the specified file, in the order of appearance in the file.
listconn command The listconn BASIC program produces a report of all items defined as connectives (also called modifiers) in the specified file reference.
listdict command The listdict BASIC program sorts the given file’s dictionary items by attribute count and by item-id then produces a report showing the contents of the various ADIs.
listfiles command The listfiles BASIC program produces a report showing all file-defining items and synonym-defining items in an optionally specified file name or account name. The default file name is md.
listpeqs command The listpeqs command displays the status of all spooler controlled print job elements. The spooler account holds a file called peqs that is used to reference spooler jobs as normal D3 items and can be listed, sorted, and selected in any sequence.
listprocs command The listprocs BASIC program produces a sorted report of all items defined as Procs in the specified file name. The default file name is md when none is specified.
listptr command The listptr command displays the printer control block status for all printers.
listverbs command The listverbs BASIC program produces a sorted listing of all items defined as command in the specified account name.
load.mon2 command The load.mon2 BASIC program displays a graphical map of the duty load of the D3 system, taking a snapshot of the system at a given time interval.
lock-beep command The lock-beep command enables/disables beeping on lock failure.
lock-break command The lock-break command enables or disables the ability to unconditionally break during a lock failure.
lock-frame command The lock-frame command core locks a frame into real memory. This prevents the frame from being flushed to disk for any reason.
log-clear-file-off macro The log-clear-file-off macro turns off the logging of the clear-file command.
log-clear-file-on macro The log-clear-file-on macro turns on the logging of the clear-file command.
log-msg command The log-msg command records the time and date that a particular macro is executed.
log-status command The log-status command displays the current status of the transaction logger.
logoff command The logoff BASIC program terminates a process on a given port and sends the port to the logon prompt.
logon command The logon command logs on a port, other than the one currently being used, onto a specific account.
logon-lock command The logon-lock command turns on or off the logon lockout feature.
logon-reporting command The logon-reporting command turns on or off the logon reporting feature which logs failed logon attempts to the errors file.
logon-timeout command The logon-timeout command updates and displays the global and local logon timeout values. The global timeout value is a default value for the D3 server and the local timeout value is used to override the global value on a specified process. By default, processes are initialized to use the global logon timeout value.
logto command The logto command terminates accounting on the current account, then moves to another specified account. If a password is present, it must be provided. Passwords are case-sensitive.
loop command The loop BASIC program performs any TCL command a specific number of times, or continuously, until any key is pressed on the keyboard.