list-obj command

The list-obj BASIC program outputs descriptive internal information about programs compiled for BASIC and FlashBASIC.

Without any options, the list-obj command outputs information on the bp file.


list-obj {file.reference}{(options}


options e Outputs BASIC frame usage, FlashBASIC frame usage, total frame usage, beginning FID, and release version last compiled.
p Directs output to the spooler.

The report includes these headings:

date Last compile date
time Last compile time
frames Total frame usage
port Port number program was last compiled on
user User name who last compiled program
account Account that user was logged onto when program was last compiled


list-obj bp (e

Using the e option, the report includes these headings: Number of frames of standard pick object code. Number of frames of ’flashed’ object code.
frames Total number of frames
start fid Starting frame number
release Release level in affect when the program was compiled.