list-users command

The list-users BASIC program produces a report of users currently logged on to the system.


list-users {user-ID} {(options}




options n Affects output to the terminal only, preventing output from pausing at the end of each (terminal) page of output.
p Directs output to the system printer, via the spooler.

The report is produced from the dm,pibs, file and includes:

pib# Port number (*pib = current port)
pid Process ID number
user User-ID
udate Date this user logged on
utime Time this user logged on
acct Account name currently in use
mdate Date logged on to this account
mtime Time logged on to this account
location Location (usually the user name)


Shows all current users.


pib#   pid..   user.   udate   utime   account.   mdate   mtime   location...
1      25102   dp      06/04   10:28   dm         06/04   10:28   Dick Parr
*2     11884   ff      06/04   6:49    krb        06/04   13:48   Fred Stone
4      7536    am      06/04   13:19   ba         06/04   13:20   Andy Meyers
6      10354   sj      06/04   8:21    ts         06/04   8:22    Steve Johnson
7      13666   ss      06/04   10:28   qa         06/04   10:29   Sam Smith
10     26534   lisa    06/04   16:02   ts         06/04   16:02   Lisa Jones
16     19992   bob     06/04   14:30   qa         06/04   14:30   Bob Bogus
20     8615    cm      06/04   10:14   krb        06/04   15:45   Chris Mills

Shows a specific user-ID.

list-users bob

pib#   pid..   user.   udate   utime   account.   mdate   mtime   location...
37     20381   bob     07/17   10:31   krb        07/17   10:31   Bob Bogus
*53    18348   bob     07/17   9:35    krb        07/17   9:36    Bob Bogus

Shows all users whose user-ID begins with s.

list-users s]
pib#   pid..   user.   udate   utime   account.   mdate   mtime   location...
6      40319   sj      06/04   8:21    ts         06/04   8:22    Steve Johnson
7      39577   ss      06/04   10:28   qa         06/04   10:29   Sam Smith