listptr command

The listptr command displays the printer control block status for all printers.

Note: For Windows: The listptr command is only supported for output that has been directed to the D3 Spooler. It is not supported for output to the Windows Spooler. Use the Windows Print Manager instead.


listptr {options}




options printer.number {-printer.number} Specifies beginning printer number, or beginning through ending printer numbers.
b Lists both allocated and unallocated printers. An unallocated printer is a printer gpiocb (general purpose input/output control block) with no printer assigned to it. (An empty table entry).
n Activates the nopage function on output to terminal.
p Directs output to the system printer, via the spooler.


The listptr report contains this information:

Type Printer type. The type will always be serial.
Number Printer number.
Output Queues Queues assigned to this printer (3 maximum).
Page Skip Number of pages to skip between print files.
Dev or Line# Port number for the serial printer.
Status Current printer status.
active Printer is printing, initiating or terminating a report.
inactive Printer is inactive.
stopped Printer is set to stop.
unallocated Printer has never been started, or has been deleted by an sp-kill (d) command, or has been lost due to a control block error. The printer may be started using the startptr command.



                                   Page   Dev or
Type    Number   Output   Queues   Skip   Line #   Status
serial  0        0                 1      13       inactive
serial  1        3        4        5      1        11         inactive
serial  2        11       12              1        15         inactive
serial  4        6        7               1        14         inactive
serial  7        13                       1        99         active
serial  8        1        98              0        74         inactive
serial  9        99                0      19       stopped

listptr 2-5b
                                   Page   Dev or
Type    Number   Output   Queues   Skip   Line #   Status
serial  2        11       12       1      15       inactive
serial  3        0        0        0      0        0          unallocated
serial  4        6        7               1        14         inactive
serial  5        0        0        0      0        0          unallocated