load.mon2 command

The load.mon2 BASIC program displays a graphical map of the duty load of the D3 system, taking a snapshot of the system at a given time interval.


snap delay (10):number.seconds




The information below displays:

The report includes the following headings

snapshot delay Number of seconds to delay between samples. The default value is ten seconds.
last Time of the last snapshot.
cnt Number of snapshots taken.
smax Max CPU difference for any PIB since the last snapshot
hmax Total CPU difference since last snapshot

The numbers listed to the side of the screen indicate the percentage of system resources consumed. The number in bold indicates the maximum value for the snapshot. The numbers across the center of the screen are port number references (0—73). The - character across the bottom indicates the active ports and the + character indicates the current port.

The vertical bar of asterisks and letters are the user-ID names, the accounts the ports are in. The asterisk fills out the vertical bar, up to the percentage of system resources consumed by this process.


snap delay (10): 5