list-locks command

The list-locks BASIC program displays the current status of all system, FlashBASIC, spooler, group, and item locks.

All locks display automatically unless one or more of the available options is provided with the command.


list-locks {host|*} {(options}


options b Displays the 992 BASIC execution locks.
c Displays the computer name to allow the display of FSI item locks.
g Displays group locks only. Show only the VME group locks with this option.
h Displays host information instead of the group of item locks. This is useful for server systems for displaying the client host, PIB, and level for each lock.
i Displays item-locks only.
m Displays phantom locks.
n The n (NOPAGE) option returns the output in a non-paginated form.
p Directs output to system printer via the spooler.
q Displays four spooler queue locks.
r Displays remote item locks held by local processes.
Note: These are potential locks and they may list locks not actually held on the server if those locks have been removed in an abnormal fashion.
s Displays the 4 system locks.
t Lists the Transaction Log locks.


The report includes the following headings:

System locks are the 4 internal system locks used during saves:

### Lock position is unused.
1 Overflow.
3 Unique id (for example, system(19)).
4 Item lock table.
9 User-exits u0191, u1191, u2191, and u3191.

Basic locks are the 992 BASIC program execution locks (used by BASIC programs):

### Lock position is unused.
nnn Port number using this lock position.

Spooler locks are the internal spooler locks:

mq Secondary queue lock.
iq Input queue lock.
fq Forms queue lock.
peq Permanent entry queue lock.
msp Master queue lock.

Group locks:

nnnnn Frame-ID (in decimal).
(nnnnnn) Frame-ID (in hexadecimal).
PIB# PIB number (port) who has the item locked.
Lvl Level on which this group is locked.
Type Type of group lock. This can be either read-only (Rdo) or update (Upd).
Filename File in which the group exists.

Item locks:

nnnnn Frame-ID (in decimal).
(nnnnnn) Frame-ID (in hexadecimal).
PIB# PIB number (port) who has the item locked.
Lvl Owner’s push-level number.
Hash Locked item’s hash code.
Type utility that is running the program.
Item-ID Item-ID which is currently locked.
Filename Name of the file where the item resides.
Token Unique identifier for that item.

Transaction Log locks:

fof Lock set when altering the file-of-files number counter.
pro Lock set when accessing the producer side of the transaction log queue.
con Lock set when accessing the consumer side of the transaction log queue.

Phantom locks:

rel Release queue lock.
job Phantom job lock.
pib Pib table lock.
que Queue lock.
plk General phantom lock.

Using list-locks shows both the VME and FSI item locks.

File locks are special item locks that affect the whole file. These locks prevent any updates or normal item locks to a file while in effect. File locks display in the item lock listing as having item-IDs of an asterisk and hashes of zero. These locks are set with the BASIC filelock statement.

When displaying item locks (by using the i option), it is optionally possible to display the locks of a remote D3 machine by specifying the host name. If an asterisk is specified for the host name, then list-locks attempts to list the locks on all remote hosts.


In the example below, the display is limited to the current item locks.

list-locks (i

Item    Locks     PIB#   Lvl   Hash   item-ID               Filename
5834    (0016CA)  54     0     7E2C   21086                 orders
2746    (000ABA)  68     0     0D1F   roy/month2            memos
183325  (02CC1D)  29     1     5DD7   3242                  entity
183197  (02CB9D)  22     2     7D9F   20946                 entity
184453  (02D085)  66     0     279F   73291176              entity
110819  (01B0E3)  42     0     084D   tcl.list-locks        d3.doc
110908  (01B13C)  3      0     3E36   data.representation   d3.doc
133899  (020B0B)  82     0     6C2C   monitor               status

In the example below, all locks are displayed.

System Locks
   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F
00 ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###

Basic Locks
   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F
00 ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###  ###
Spooler Locks
   mq    iq    fq    peq   msp
00 ###   ###   ###   ###   ###

Txlog Locks
   fof   pro   con
00 ###   ###   ###

Phantom Locks
   rel   job   pib   que   plk
00 ###   ###   ###   ###   ###

Group Locks               PIB#   Lvl   Type   Filename
442384     (06C00F)       13     1     Upd    xsym

Item Locks                PIB#   Lvl   Hash       item-ID   Filename
123034     (01E09A)       23     1     54B898A5   wm        email
79174      (013546)       57     0     9472A038   hv        tcl-stack

FSI Filename              PIB#   Lvl   Type       item-ID   Token
DM,basicprogram,ba        3      0     VME        newfile    79309092