logon-lock command

The logon-lock command turns on or off the logon lockout feature.


logon-lock {({a}{f|n}{starting.port{-ending.port}}


a Affects all lines.
f Turns logon lockout off.
n Turns logon lockout on. This option is assumed if the f option is not present.
starting.port{-ending.port} Affects a range of ports. If not specified, then the logon-lock command assumes the current port.
The system-coldstart macro issues a logon-lock (fa to turn off the lockout on all lines by default. Users wishing to enable lockout must modify this so that it does not suppress this feature on desired lines. Turning the lock back on after releasing it is not recommended because this may cause communications lines to desynchronize.

When the logon lockout is enabled, the logon system locks up after three failed log on attempts. At this point, it is necessary to type (space)(return)(return) to continue. This feature is useful for synchronizing a port which is connected to a device, which might otherwise echo the log on message.

With the logon lockout disabled, a .5 second delay occurs after three failed log on attempts for security purposes, but log on may then proceed normally.

See also
