listpeqs command

The listpeqs command displays the status of all spooler controlled print job elements. The spooler account holds a file called peqs that is used to reference spooler jobs as normal D3 items and can be listed, sorted, and selected in any sequence.

Note: For Windows: The listpeqs command is only supported for output that has been directed to the D3 Spooler. It is not supported for output to the Windows Spooler.


listpeqs {options}




options user.ID Spooler entries are stored under the user-ID of the user who generated them. This displays the spooler entries created by the specified user-ID. Single quotation marks are required around the user-ID.
n{-m} Displays element n, or elements n through m that are integer numbers.
a Outputs the status of all jobs created by the current user.
c Outputs only the count of spooled entries and total storage (frames) used.
e Outputs print file absolute (disk) location. When this is in effect, the display has two additional columns of output:
  • curpos indicates the current frame and displacement into that frame being printed.

  • begfid is the first frame of the printfile.

Both frame references are indicated as hexadecimal addresses. Under the frames column next to this printfile, if a plus sign follows the number, it is still being spooled; if a minus sign follows, it is despooling (printing).
f{form.queue.number} Outputs status of jobs queued for output in form queue order (0 through 2048). The optional form.queue.number limits display to the specified form queue.
Note: This option does not display hold files, as these are not assigned a form queue number.
h Outputs hold files only.
l Displays status of deleted and active elements.
p Directs output to system printer, via the spooler.


listpeqs ’mlb’
listpeqs ’jack’ (n
listpeqs 13-22
listpeqs (e

The listpeqs command outputs a list of spooled entries. The following column headings display in the report:

Job# Element (job) number assigned by the spooler.
Stat Encoded print file status (see status column heading below).
Lnk In a linked form queue, this is the job# of the next output job after this one.
Line Port number that generated this queue element.
Frms Size of the print file. A trailing plus sign indicates an increasing file, a trailing minus sign indicates a decreasing file. A blank entry indicates a file build is being done, or no data has been spooled out. See option e above.
Cdsp Current position of the despooling process.
CurFid Current frame-ID being output (in hexadecimal)
BegFid Beginning frame-ID of the start of the print file.
Status Assignment parameters on the print file:
a Available; may be edited, spooled or deleted.
c Closed; spooling, job is ready to despool to device.
g Align; phantom alignment print job
h Hold file
i Immediate output
l Locked
n No close
o Output is currently being generated by the user.
p Assigned to printer output.
r Requeued; has been edited/spooled with sp-edit.
s Spooled; linked to an output queue.
t Assigned to tape output.
x Aborted; has been aborted by sp-kill.
Copies Number of copies remaining to print.
Form Assigned output form queue.
Frames Number of frames in use by the print file. If the word open displays here, the print file is still being spooled. If the print file was created with the c (stop) option, the number of frames used reflects the number of frames left to print when the print file was closed, instead of the actual number of frames used.
Date Date the print file was added to the job queue.
Time Time the print file was added to the job queue.
User User-ID of the user who created the print file. If charge-to is used, then the charge-to account is also displayed.