Update Processor

D3 has two item editors, the Update Processor, a full screen editor, and the Editor, a line editor.

The Update Processor is a dictionary-driven, full-screen editor, and data processor. Used in conjunction with the Output processor it operates as a document processor. Update Processor can be used to view, create, and manipulate items in files. Update Processor facilitates editing of text, dictionaries, programs and data files, as everything in D3 is an item in a file. When used as a data processor, attribute-defining items in the file dictionary are employed to verify and translate data as they are entered and retrieved.

B-tree indexes permit cruising from item to item on an attribute-value sequence. The B-tree mechanism also allows entry to the index on a partial key. FlashBASIC subroutines can be called from dictionaries allowing absolute control of all data entry using the Update Processor and dictionaries. Without any attribute-defining items specified, Update Processor functions as a full screen editor. When evoked, Update Processor copies the specified item to a workspace and displays as much of the item on the screen as it can. In most applications, each input screen fits within a real screen. Update Processor places the cursor at the upper left corner of the item (top) on the first character of the first value of the first attribute and waits for input.

Once the item has been loaded, any character typed overwrites whatever is on the screen. The CTRL key is used to perform editing functions, but as long as the CTRL key is not pressed, all characters are entered as typed. An automatic word wrap feature moves whole words to the next line as they are typed when the end of the current line is overrun. An optionally activated spelling checker beeps and rejects input when a character is typed that does not lead to a predefined word.

Text is normally entered in the insert mode. CTRL+R is used to toggle between the insert and overtype modes.

While in the input mode

Pressing ENTER creates a new attribute or paragraph.

When in the overtype mode

Same key does not create a new attribute, but instead goes to the next attribute. The default mode is overtype.

Update Processor commands begin with a key combination by simultaneously pressing the CTRL key and one of the character keys. Some Update Processor commands require more command characters, while others require text input. The second Update Processor command can be entered as straight alphanumeric or with CTRL pressed. On some terminals a CTRL+S leaves the terminal locked. To unlock the terminal, press CTRL+Q.

Until the item is saved, changes made using Update Processor have no affect on the actual item in the file—only Update Processor workspace is changed. The item can be exited at any time without filing by pressing CTRL+XE or CTRL+XX.

These topics are presented:

Update Processor as Text Editor

Prestore Commands

Exiting Items

Update Processor as a Data Processor

Overloaded Commands for Data Files

Update Processor Command Summary

See Also

D3 User’s Guide Overview

Introduction to D3

Document Conventions

Logging On and Off D3

Accessing Files and Items

D3 Dictionary Structure

Dictionary Item Types

Controlling and Dependent Structures

Processing Codes

Designing a Database

Creating a Database in D3

Virtual Machine Environment in Windows

File System Interface

D3 Windows Utilities

System Structure

