Processing Codes

Input processing codes (also called input conversions), correlatives, and output processing codes (also called output conversions) are special codes used in the file-defining and attribute-defining items to allow data to be stored in one way and retrieved or displayed in another way. They can also be used to convert data as it is entered into a more efficient format for storage, and then unconvert them for display. Processing codes can:

These topics are presented:

Input Conversions, Correlatives, and Output Conversions

Processing Code Summary

See Also

D3 User’s Guide Overview

Introduction to D3

Document Conventions

Logging On and Off D3

Accessing Files and Items

D3 Dictionary Structure

Dictionary Item Types

Controlling and Dependent Structures

Designing a Database

Creating a Database in D3

Virtual Machine Environment in Windows

File System Interface

D3 Windows Utilities

System Structure



Update Processor