
Proc, short for procedure, allows executing a series of TCL and other commands from a single word command. Everything that can be done in TCL can be done in Proc. Procs also are used to avoid repetitively typing the same series of commands, interact with the user, and to test or verify input information from the user.

Proc has the following features:

Use of the PROC processor is much the same as using a JCL on mainframe systems. However, Proc language is more versatile since it can interactively prompt the user for responses and can branch on conditional statements. In addition, Proc can verify the user’s input.

Procs are executed interpretively by the PROC processor; they do not need to be compiled. Procs are stored as dictionary items, or as items in a data file. Procs that are in the current master dictionary can be executed by typing the name at the TCL prompt. While the Proc definition must be in the master dictionary, the actual body of the Proc may reside as an item in any dictionary or data file. Attribute 1 of a Proc is always the pq code.

Once a Proc is invoked, it remains in control until it completes or until it is explicitly terminated. A Proc can temporarily relinquish control to another processor, such as a subroutine or the Update Processor, but it regains control when that process ends. The system only returns to TCL when the Proc is deliberately terminated or when the Proc ends.

Since FlashBASIC can do everything Proc can, and much more, Proc is less used today than it was in earlier implementations.

These topics are presented:

Structure of the PROC Processor

Proc Command Format

Proc Command Summary

See Also

D3 User’s Guide Overview

Introduction to D3

Document Conventions

Logging On and Off D3

Accessing Files and Items

D3 Dictionary Structure

Dictionary Item Types

Controlling and Dependent Structures

Processing Codes

Designing a Database

Creating a Database in D3

Virtual Machine Environment in Windows

File System Interface

D3 Windows Utilities

System Structure


Update Processor