Prestore Commands

Prestore commands are used to store and execute a sequence of Update Processor commands. The prestore commands can be used during the current update session or saved as an item in a file and recalled for use in subsequent update sessions. Prestore commands can contain both Update Processor commands and text. To specify an Update Processor command, enter the letter portion of the editing command without pressing CTRL. To specify text, enter the text enclosed within single or double quotation marks.

Prestores can be created in the prestore buffer or they can be created as an item in a file. Prestore items can exist in any file and must have a p in the first attribute. The following attribute values contain prestore commands and text:


Execute the current command in the prestore buffer. The default prestore command is <CTRL>ZN to advance a page.


Create or edit prestore command in prestore buffer. Most Update Processor commands are available to input and edit the prestore buffer.

<CTRL>ZR {(file.reference}

Load specified item into the prestore buffer but do not execute it. The first attribute must be the character ‘p’.

<CTRL>ZR {(file.reference} <CTRL>P

Load the specified item into the prestore buffer and execute it. The first attribute in the item must be a ‘p’. The default file is the master dictionary.

<CTRL>ZW {(file.reference}

Write the prestore buffer into the specified item. The character ‘p’ is written as the first attribute of the item. The default file is the master dictionary.


Insert a value mark. The value mark causes any characters that follows it in that attribute to be moved to the next line. A value mark has an ASCII decimal value of 253 and is not capable of being displayed in the Update Processor. (See the following section on using UP as a data processor.) In an attribute with a v1 processing code and an index you may use <CTRL>V to create a new item with the same key.


Displays column positions across top line of the screen (a ruler).


Sets tab stops. The Update Processor prompts to enter tab stops separated by blanks.

See Also

Update Processor

Update Processor as Text Editor

Exiting Items

Update Processor as a Data Processor

Overloaded Commands for Data Files

Update Processor Command Summary