users file

The users file contains specific data relevant to each individual authorized user on the system.


Each user should have their own unique logon item-ID in the users file. The tcl-stack item for each user uses the same item-ID as the logon item-ID in the users file.

Logging On in Single User Mode

When in single user mode, it is now possible to allow certain users, based on the user-ID, to log on. The s option in attribute 9 of the selected user items in the users file permits system administration while preventing normal users from accessing the system.

Note: DM, by default, does not have this option. It is the system administrator’s responsibility to add this option, if desired.
The most straightforward means of updating user items is to use the Update processor from the dm account, using the command
u users item-ID
where the item-ID is a new or existing item-ID in the users file.

The attributes in the users file are:

Attribute Description
0 (Item-ID) Usually the user’s initials.
1 Name.
2 Address.
3 Zip.
4 Phone.
5 Unused.
6 User’s retrieval and update keys.
7 Optional logon passwords. Note the following:

For UNIX: If the hostauthentication value in the pick0 configuration file is used and set to on, users file passwords will be ignored. See pick0 file for more information.

For Windows: If the User File option is selected from the D3 Connects tab of the D3 Device Manager, users file passwords will be ignored. See the Host Authentication topic in the System Administration Guide for more information.

8 Privilege level.
9 User session options:
a or u Updates accounting history file at logoff.
b If this option is set, then any entry in the FlashBASIC debugger comatizes the process with a message indicating that the user should contact the system administrator. The administrator can then log the process off.
c If this option is set, the process is comatized when aborting to the system debugger or when encountering a file inconsistency. If the z and c options are specified, the process is comatized when encountering an overflow release error. A message indicating that the user should contact the system administrator displays. The administrator can then log the process off (with logoff).
d Grants the user access to system debugger commands that display or modify virtual memory.
Note: Any user with sys2 privileges and the d option set on attribute 9 is considered an admin user.  DM is provided by default as an admin user.
g Do not allow user to fix or truncate any file inconsistencies encountered.
i Logs tcl-stack entries by PIB.
p Causes phantom processes initiated by this user-ID to terminate and wrap up, rather than going to sleep when a file inconsistency is encountered.
r Restarts account logon procedure or macro on any break.
s Permits system administration while preventing normal users from accessing the system.
t{"command"} Restarts account logon procedure or macro on any attempt to go to TCL. An optional TCL command may be specified in quotes immediately after the t option to force execution of an alternate command in this situation. This TCL command may contain spaces and/or options, but cannot contain other double quotation marks.
  z If specified, a process is comatized when encountering an overflow release error. Must be specified in conjunction with the c option.
10 Used by MVSP to indicate whether the user is enabled for MVSP.
11 m Prevents the user from using the ’msg’ function
12 User logon macro. This is the same as a TCL macro without the macro type code (in attribute 1), which is assumed to be n (for nonstop). Any number of TCL commands may be placed on attributes 12 and beyond (MultiValue). Each command is executed before the user is logged on. Typical logon commands might include logto your.account, sp-assign form.queue, brk-level, bulletin.board, and so on.
Note: It is not advisable to create a user-ID of +++ as it makes it difficult for someone to dial in on a modem. (Modems use +++ as the attention string to regain control of the modem.)


:up md,users, ja
users ’ja’ size=318
name Jo Allen
address Shipping & Receiving
phone x.449
privilege sys2
options n
macro logto dm
10 set-sym gsym
11 brk-level
12 bulletin.board new
13 tcl-hdr-off