Secondary list

Secondary lists are created using the s option with the select, sselect or get-list commands. Its is only used when running compare and copy commands.

An example use of a secondary list is as follows:

  1. Create the primary list.

  2. Create the secondary list (using the s option).

  3. Invoke the copy or compare command.

  4. Enter the file name, preceded by a ( (left parenthesis), when the system prompts to:.

The secondary list takes over and is used for output and comparison IDs. When used with the copy command, the secondary list is used to supply the item-ids for the file that you are copying to. When used with the compare command, the secondary list is used to provide the item-ids to compare to.

The end command can be used to deactivate an active or secondary list.   

Warning: Once a list is active, the next command issued at TCL must be a valid list-processing command, otherwise the list vanishes. For example:
sselect entity by name
[404] 2718281 items selected out of 2718281 items.
06:44:22 19 Jan 2002 Sunday
The list generated by the sselect command is no longer active.


The following commands compare two files containing FlashBASIC program source with the ids for the BP file coming from the primary list and the ids used for the second file from the secondary list.

sselect bp by
[404] 75 items selected out of 75 items.
sselect old.bp with (s
[404] 75 items selected out of 75 items.
compare bp
with: (oldbp

This program copies items in the entity file to a work file using the item-IDs kept in the list, targets.

sselect entity by zip
[404] 1600 items selected out of 1600 items.
gl targets (s
[404] 1600 items selected.
copy entity
to: (work