Chapter 2: BlueZone installation
Installing BlueZone is quick and easy. BlueZone is shipped on the BlueZone CD-ROM. The BlueZone CD-ROM has an auto-run program which automatically launches the Welcome to BlueZone screen when the BlueZone CD-ROM is placed in your computer's CD or DVD drive.
BlueZone has a number of features that cannot be installed unless the feature is configured in some way before the installation process takes place. Some features require that a SETUP.INI file be edited. Some features require moving a file or files to a particular location. In either case, it is recommenced that you review the BlueZone optional installation features first, before performing your first BlueZone installation. Refer to Optional features for more information.
Subjects like; distributing BlueZone to a large number of users, controlling BlueZone file location, creating a BlueZone distribution image, quiet mode installation and shared network installation, are covered in Chapter 6: Administer BlueZone