Minimum installation requirements
The BlueZone emulation clients are designed specifically for workstations running the Windows Operating System using the WIN32 API to allow workstations in a LAN/WAN environment to communicate with a wide variety of host systems. To function properly, BlueZone must be installed on a workstation that includes the following minimum hardware and software components:
Operating system requirements
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
Hardware requirements
•  A processor capable of supporting one of the above operating systems
•  At least the minimum amount of memory required by your operating system
•  Typically 30 Megabytes of disk space (or less) for installation
•  VGA Display or better
Communications Library Specific requirements
•  SNA Server Client 3.0 or higher (LUA/RUI only)
•  Communications Server for NT 6.0 or higher (LUA/RUI only)
•  Netware for SAA 2.2 or IntraNetware for SAA 3.0 (LUA/RUI only)
•  Serial Port or Async Modem (For use with Renex Async Protocol only)