Installing optional BlueZone features
BlueZone has several optional installation features. Some of BlueZone's optional installation features can be installed using the standard InstallShield Wizard installation that is launched from the BlueZone CD-ROM. However, there are several additional options and features which cannot be installed from the BlueZone CD-ROM.
To install any of the following optional features listed below, you must copy the BlueZone installation files to a hard drive and execute the installation from there. The reason is that these optional features require either the editing of a file or the copying of a file (or files) to the BlueZone Installation Source Directory.
Optional features that must be installed from a hard drive:
•  Power pad feature
•  Customizing the main BlueZone menu bar
•  Kerberos Authentication Protocol
•  FIPS mode support
•  BlueZone ActiveX control
•  Unisys T27 and UTS Terminal emulation *
•  BlueZone Plus VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) *
* These features are available as additional cost options.
The following procedure explains how to copy BlueZone Desktop to your hard drive so you can enable or install BlueZone's optional features.
If you downloaded the BlueZone CD image instead of receiving BlueZone on a CD-ROM and you already have the image stored on your hard drive, then the following procedure is not necessary. You can skip to the "Next Step" links below.
1. Insert the BlueZone CD-ROM into your CD/DVD drive.
The BlueZone DemoShield automatically launches.
2. Close down the BlueZone DemoShield.
3. Using Windows Explorer, explore the contents of the BlueZone CD-ROM.
4. Locate the BlueZone Desktop folder.
5. Create a folder on your hard drive.
We recommend that you name the folder BlueZone Desktop so that it can be easily identified.
6. From the BlueZone CD-ROM, copy the entire contents of the BlueZone Desktop folder to the BlueZone Desktop folder that you created on your hard drive.
You can now enable the optional BlueZone features.
If you are planning to distribute BlueZone to a significant number of users, you may want to create a distribution image which can be configured to your exact specifications. Refer to Creating a distribution image for more information.
Additional optional features
In addition to the above BlueZone optional installation features, there are several additional features that can be configured. Refer to Optional features for more information.
The following is a list of BlueZone optional features:
•  Controlling file location
•  BlueZone feature locking
•  Show locked dialogs feature
•  Disable append to clipboard feature
•  Telnet locking feature
•  Locking the License Server tab
•  Profile sharing feature
•  Kerberos Authentication Protocol
•  FIPS mode support
•  Font locking feature
•  Install script player only feature
•  Session Manager in startup folder feature
•  Session Manager in Windows system tray feature
•  Force BlueZone to use local help file