The users file must be a Q-pointer to the FSI:dm,users file to be able to use Visual Basic or compile from the D3 File Manager. This is required because these tools update the users file automatically to create a user with a name identical to the Windows user name.
The qs.upd utility, which is run automatically when the VME is booted, transfers the users file to the FSI (unless it is a Q-pointer to another file, specifically set by the System Administrator). Note that the original users file is renamed to users.<datestamp>, where datestamp is the actual date.
To disable this mechanism, rename the file, for example, users to users.vme, then set the users item to be a Q-pointer to dm,users.vme,. This prevents Visual Basic from logging on to the VME.
The system also creates internal users as follows:
where x is a decimal number. This user-ID is used by triggers when doing an execute for example. name is the user-ID as found in the users file.
This user-ID is used by client applications, like the file manager or Visual Basic, when logging on to the VME. name is the Windows user name the application is currently logged on as.
The password to these users is generated automatically and can be different from session to session.
See Also