Logging On to the FSI

Before logging on to the FSI dm account, you must first log on to the D3 dm account.

To log on to the FSI dm account:

  1. Start a telnet session.

  2. Select Start > D3 > telnet localhost from the program menu.

    A telnet localhost session displays.

  3. Press any key.

    This prompt displays:

    Enter your user id:

  4. Type dm to log on to the dm account.

    This prompt displays:

    Master dictionary:

  5. Type dm to log on to the Master Dictionary.

  6. Type to fsi:dm to log on to the FSI dm account.

    master dictionary: dm


    <<< 09:50:04   --          D        --   13 Nov 2009




    05 Aug 2009 nt

    :to fsi:dm


    < Connect time= 0 Mins.; CPU= 0 Units; LPTR pages= 0        >


    You are now logged on to the FSI.

See Also

FSI on D3 Windows

Configuring the FSI Server

Starting and Stopping the FSI Server

Users File