qselect command

The qselect command creates a list from the specified file reference and item list, similar to the get-list command.


qselect file.reference {itemlist*} {(attribute.number)}




file.reference Name of the specified file.
attribute.number Attribute number in an item (or list of items) specified by the item list. If an attribute number is not specified, all attributes are used.
item.list* List of items.

The list is constructed from the attributes identified by the attribute number in an item (or list of items) specified by the item list. Each attribute, value, and sub-value becomes a single attribute value in the list.


Example 1

Builds a list from the multivalues stored in attribute 5 of the item-ID s12345 from the invoice-file.

qselect invoice-file s12345 (5

Example 2

qselect dict d3.doc ’desc’