Installing OpenDB

Follow these guidelines to determine where OpenDB should be installed on the network.

  • OpenDB must be installed on a computer running Windows.

  • If both D3 and the ODBC database are running on a computer running a Windows operating system, install OpenDB on the computer running the ODBC database.

  • If the ODBC database is running on a UNIX or Linux operating system, and the D3 database is running on Windows, install OpenDB on the computer running the D3 database.

  • If both D3 and the ODBC database are not running on a computer running a Windows operating system, install OpenDB on any computer running Windows on the network.


  1. Contact your Rocket Support representative to obtain a copy of OpenDB, which will be provided packaged in a .zip file.
  2. Go to the command prompt.
  3. Select a location on the C drive to install OpenDB. For example:
    Note: If D3 is installed and Windows is running on your computer, type:
    c:\program files\rocketsoftware\d3\d3programs
  4. Change the directory to the location chosen in step 3. For example:
    cd c:\program files\rocketsoftware\d3\d3programs
  5. Extract the .zip file provided by your Rocket Support representative to the above directory.
  6. Type:
    OpenDB.exe /install

    The OpenDB installation is started. If the installation is successful, this message displays:


    OpenDB is now installed as a service but is not started. By default, OpenDB will start automatically each time Windows is started. Before attempting to start the OpenDB service, see Running OpenDB.

    For instructions on stopping the OpenDB service, see Stopping OpenDB.