D3 ODBC supports three types of scalar functions: String, Numeric, and Date/Time.
The syntax required to use a scalar function in a select list or where clause is:
{fn scalar-function (parameters)}
For example,
select {fn DAYNAME(birthdate)} from clients
These string functions are supported:
String Functions | Description |
ASCII(string) | Returns ASCII code of first character. |
CONCAT(string, string) | Concatenates the strings. |
LCASE(string) | Converts string to lowercase. |
LEFT(string, count) | Returns a substring containing count chars from the beginning of the string. |
LENGTH(string) | Returns number of chars in string. |
RIGHT(string, count) | Returns a substring containing count chars from the end of the string. |
RTRIM(string) | Returns the string without trailing blanks. |
SOUNDEX(string) | Returns the 4 digit SOUNDEX code for string. |
SPACE(count) | Returns a string composed of count spaces. |
SUBSTRING(string, start, length) | Returns a substring beginning at start that is length characters. |
UCASE(string) | Converts string to uppercase. |
These numeric functions are supported:
Numeric Functions | Description |
ABS(numeric) | Returns the absolute value. |
ACOS(float) | Returns the arccosine. |
ASIN(float) | Returns the arcsine. |
ATAN(float) | Returns the arctangent. |
CEILING(numeric) | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to numeric. |
COS(float) | Returns the cosine. |
DEGREES(numeric) | Converts radians to degrees. |
EXP(float) | Returns the exponential value. |
FLOOR(numeric) | Returns the largest integer less than or equal to numeric. |
LOG(float) | Returns the natural logarithm. |
MOD(integer, integer) | Returns the remainder of the first integer divided by the second integer. |
PI() | Returns the constant value of PI. |
POWER(numeric, integer) | Returns the value of numeric to the power integer. |
RADIANS(numeric) | Converts degrees to radians. |
RAND() RAND(seed) | Returns a random floating point value. |
SIGN(numeric) | Returns –1 for numbers less than 0, +1 for numbers greater than 0, and 0 for zero. |
SIN(float) | Returns the sine. |
SQRT(float) | Returns the square root. |
TAN(float) | Returns the tangent. |
These time/date functions are supported:
Time/Date Functions | Description |
CURDATE() | Returns current date. |
CURTIME() | Returns current time. |
DAYNAME(date) | Returns Sunday through Saturday. |
DAYOFMONTH(date) | Returns 1 through 31. |
DAYOFWEEK(date) | Returns 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday). |
DAYOFYEAR(date) | Returns 1 through 366. |
HOUR(time) | Returns 0 through 23. |
MINUTE(time) | Returns 0 through 59. |
MONTH(date) | Returns 1 through 12. |
MONTHNAME(date) | Returns January through December. |
NOW() | Returns current timestamp. |
QUARTER(date) | Returns 1 through 4. |
SECOND(time) | Returns 0 through 59. |
WEEK(date) | Returns 1 through 53. |
YEAR(date) | Returns year as yyyy. |