These words are reserved for use in SQL and ODBC function calls. They should not be used for account names. If these words are found in file names or attribute-defining item names, the name will be prefixed with RSV_ in the resulting SQL table.
absolute, action, add, allocate, alter, and, any, are, as, asc, assertion, at, authorization, avg
begin, between, bit, bit_length, both, by
cascade, cascaded, case, cast, catalog, char, character, char_length, character_length, check, close, coalesce, collate, collation, column, commit, connect, connection, constraint, constraints, continue, convert, corresponding, count, create, cross, current, current_date, current_time, current_timestamp, current_user, cursor
date, day, deallocate, dec, decimal, declare, default, deferrable, deferred, delete, desc, describe, descriptor, diagnostics, disconnect, distinct, domain, double, drop
else, end, end-exec, escape, except, exception, exec, execute
false, fetch, first, float, for, foreign, found, from, full
get, global, go, goto, grant, group
identity, immediate, in, indicator, initially, inner, input, insensitive, insert, int, integer, intersect, interval, into, is, isolation
language, last, leading, level, like, local, lower
match, max, min, minute, module, month,
names, national, natural, nchar, next, no, not, null, ,nullif, numeric
octet_length, of, on, only, open, option, or, order, outer, output, overlaps
partial, position, precision, prepare, preserve, primary, prior, privileges, procedure, public
read, real, references, relative, restrict, revoke, right, rollback, rows
schema, scroll, second, section, select, session, session_user, set, size, smallint, some, sql, sqlcode, sqlerror, sqlstate, substring, sum, system_user
table, temporary, then, time, timestamp, timezone_hour, timezone_minute, to, trailing, transaction, translate, translation, trim, true
union, unique, unknown, update, upper, usage, user, using
value, values, varchar, varying, view
when, whenever, where, with, work, write