Item List

The item list specifies one or more item-IDs in the file defined by the associated file reference.

The item list may be:

If a select list is not active, a null item-ID implies a new item for Update Processor and all items for the other processors.

Any command requiring a select list can obtain it from a previously selected list. To cause a processor to use the select list, the item list must be null. An item-ID with the same name as a language element in either the master dictionary or the dictionary of the file, must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

When a list is active, item.list is omitted from the (AQL) command:

select entity

17827971 items selected.

copy entity

If a specific list of item-IDs or asterisk is provided while a list is active, the active list is ignored.

If a valid AQL command is provided without a specific list of item-IDs, all items are implied.


command file.reference item-ID

command file.reference item-ID item-ID item-ID...

command file.reference {*}


This lists the specific item *a0, from the master dictionary of the current account.

list md '*a0'

Since *a0 is a valid attribute-defining item (ADI), this sentence produces output showing attribute 0 of every item in the current master dictionary.

list md *a0

This sentence requests a specific set of item-IDs from the invoices file, and in D3.

list invoices 's1000' 's1010' 's1001'

It is also valid as:

list invoices s1000 s1010 s1001

See Also

Access Query Language

AQL Command Categories

count Command

list Command

list-item Command

list-label Command

nselect Command

reformat Command

s-dump Command

select Command

Selection Criteria

sort Command

sort-label Command

stat Command

sum Command

t-load Command

touch Command