t-load Command

The t-load command restores files from a tape that was generated by t-dump. If a selection criteria is not specified, the entire file is loaded. If multiple t-dump commands were performed, then multiple executions of t-load are required to restore the data.

When saving to multiple reels, type Q at the insert next reel and type "C" to continue prompt to quit. The t-load command reads the tape label in order to get the tape block size. If the tape is unlabeled, t-load reads the first tape block, determines that the tape is unlabeled, and backspaces the tape by one block before continuing. In this case, the appropriate tape block size must have been specified using the t-att command.


t-load file.reference {item.list} {selection.criteria} {modifiers} {(options)}




Bypasses tape label handling and assumes that media is positioned at the beginning of the desired data area.


Suppresses display of item-IDs.


Suppresses display of error message 223 when the item is already on file and the o option is not used.


Overwrites existing items, when duplicate item-IDs exist.


Directs output to printer, via the spooler.


Loads binary items (which require contiguous frames) from t-dump executions made on a system with n data bytes per frame.

NOTE—On D3 7.4.3 this function was automated. Thus, it is not necessary to use this option on D3 7.4.3 and later.


Reads items but does not write them into the file system. When used with the o option, it writes the data to the file.



The t-load command does not verify that the disk file name matches the tape file name. It is up to the operator to verify that the peripheral storage device is positioned at the correct file before issuing the t-load command.

When specifying item-IDs, it is necessary to enclose those item names in quotation marks unless they already exist in the file.


t-load dict entity

See Also


Item List



s-dump Command

sel-restore Command

Selection Criteria

t-att Command

t-dump Command

t-read Command

Tape Handling Commands

Tape Devices Overview

tape Modifier

y (Update Stamping) Processing Code