sort-label Command

The sort-label command produces one or more columns of output in order of the specified sort-key. The sort-label command outputs formatted labels or reports in columnar format from the specified file reference, sequenced by one or more sort-key.


sort-label file.reference {item.list} {selection.criteria} {sort.criteria} {output.specification} {modifiers} {(options)}


After pressing ENTER to submit the AQL sentence for processing, a ? prompt displays. This prompt supplies the label output parameters:


Number of labels across page.


Number of print lines on each label.


Number of lines (vertically) between labels.


Number of spaces to indent from left the margin.


Number of print positions per label.


Number of spaces (horizontally) between labels.


Compresses null values.

Each parameter must be separated by a comma. If the indent parameter is not zero, this command prompts for entry of the header text for each print line requested. If any text is entered at any of these prompts, that text displays before the corresponding print line on the leftmost (1st) column only. Pressing ENTER at any of these prompts indicates a null header.


If problems exist with the formatting of the sort-label output, try using the tcl-hdr-off command first and a k option with the sort-label command.


The label parameters shown define the output as having 2 labels across, 4 lines each (contact, company, address, and csz), skip 1 line, indent 0 (zero - assumes labels are mounted at first print position), 30 print positions each (longer strings are truncated to 30, in this case), space over 2 to the right between each label, and c for compress nulls (do not allow blank lines within the label).

:sort-label entity by zip contact company address csz (cip


See Also


Item List

list-label Command



Selection Criteria

sortc Command

term Command