Access Query Language

The Access Query Language (AQL) is a D3 facility used to retrieve and output data. It is an original component of the D3 system and consists of the List pre-processor, the Select processor, and the Output Processor. AQL is a system-level information retrieval language that allows users to query their database without writing complex programs.

AQL is a report-generating language which enables the user to make various types of listings and queries. It is also used to select items from a file for use by other processors.

This section presents these topics:

Access Query Language Overview

A general overview of the Access Query Language (AQL).

AQL Commands

Lists and describes the functionality of AQL commands.

AQL Modifiers

Lists and describes the functionality of AQL modifiers.

AQL Relational Operators and Logical Clauses

Lists and describes the functionality of AQL relational operators and logical clauses.


Describes how to employ phrases in AQL sentences.

AQL User Exits

Lists and describes the functionality of AQL user exits.