list-device command

The list-device command shows the currently defined devices.


 list-device {device.number} {(options}




device.number   The device number to list.

If the device number is not specified, all currently defined devices are listed.

options h Suppresses the header display. Only devices are displayed.
p Directs the output to the system printer via the spooler.


The devices listed can be used as tape devices through the set-half, set-sct, set-floppy, or set-device commands.

Devices are numbered as they display in the configuration file. The current device is noted with an asterisk (*). The active device is noted with a plus sign (+).


In this example, the Owner column shows the PIB number that has use of the device and an * indicates that this PIB is the current process. A + indicates that this device is the active device (a PIB can attach more than one device).


 Tape       Status             16 Feb 2003       14:30:40
 #          Type               Density           Owner     Device Name
 0       |  Floppy          |  3 1/2" 1.44M   |         |  /dev/rpdsk/4
 1       |  Quarter Inch    |  High           |         |  /dev/rmt/0n
 2       |  4mm DAT         |                 |         |  /dev/rmt/1n
 3       |  4mm DAT         |                 |         |  /dev/rmt/1un
 4       |  8mm Tape        |                 |         |  /dev/rmt/2n
 5       |  8mm Tape        |                 |         |  /dev/rmt/2un
 6       |  Floppy          |  Pseudo Floppy  |         |  /usr/opt/pick/bin/abs
 7       |  Floppy          |  Pseudo Floppy  |         |  /usr/opt/pick/bin/data
 8       |  Floppy          |  Pseudo Floppy  |         |  /usr/opt/pick/bin/ref
 9       |  Network         |                 |         |  /home/tmp/pipein
 10      |  Floppy          |  Pseudo Floppy  |         |  /home/tmp/floppy
 11      |  Floppy          |  Pseudo Floppy  |         |  /n/dev/home/tmp/floppy