Processing codes (Update processor)

Processing codes describe database links and data manipulation rules.

Note: Processing codes were previously known as conversions and correlatives.

The D3 dictionary defines file layouts and data structures. Processing codes are stored in dictionaries to further describe database links and data manipulation rules. These processing codes are used by various D3 system processors such as the Update processor, FlashBASIC, and the List processor.

Processing codes are stored in attribute-defining and file-defining items in file dictionaries. They are found in:

Attribute Processing Code Type
7 Output-Conversion
8 Correlative
14 Input-Conversion

Correlative Processing Codes (FDI) Correlative processing codes define processing that takes place during the item selection process and during data input and output.

Codes in the correlative attribute of the file-defining item are processed when the item is filed. Available codes include subroutines calls, bridge correlatives, ID assignments, update stamps, and indexes.

When an item is filed using the Update processor, all processing codes defined in the correlative attribute of the file-defining item are processed. Items not filed using the Update processor use the bridge, index, and callx processing codes only.
Correlative Processing Codes (ADI) Codes defined in the correlative attribute of the attribute-defining item are processed during input and output processing.

Many processing codes can be called on the output-conversion attribute of the attribute-defining item, including FlashBASIC subroutines.

Note: Called FlashBASIC subroutines may be Flashed to improve performance.
Input-Conversion processing codes Input-conversion codes are used to perform preprocessing functions such as inserting default data.

The subroutine is executed after the item is retrieved from the file, but before the item displays on the screen.

Output-Conversion processing codes Codes defined in the output-conversion attribute are processed during input and output processing.