c (Concatenate) processing code

The c processing code concatenates elements for output.

System Processors List
Code Type Attribute Defining
Dictionary Attributes Output Conversion




element May be any of the following:
  • Attribute mark count

  • Any literal string enclosed in a system delimiter (‘ “ \)

  • Asterisk (*), which means reuse result of last conversion

concatenation.char A single concatenation character that separates the values and displays in between them. It may be any nonnumeric character, even a space, but not a system delimiter. The following concatenation characters have special meaning:
x Specifies that the following element is the separation character to appear between successive elements.
; Specifies that no separating character is printed. When the semicolon is used, literal strings must be enclosed in single quotes.


Each element may be delimited by a character to appear on output. If the semicolon is the element separator, it does not display on output. The elements can be:

  • Numeric constants, enclosed in quotation marks.

  • An attribute position, referenced by its numeric attribute count.

  • An alphanumeric character string enclosed in quotation marks, double quotation marks, or backslashes. When delimited by semicolons, strings must be enclosed in quotation marks; otherwise, alphanumeric strings are not separated from the other entries by semicolons.

The asterisk is a special character used to concatenate the resulting value from the last processing code operation. In the third form listed under Syntax, x specifies the separator to appear between the concatenated elements. The separator may be any nonnumeric character including a space or semicolon, but cannot be a system delimiter. The semicolon is a special separator that specifies the elements are to be concatenated with no separation.


Stored Value Processing Code Output Data
014 ‘Hunter’    
015 ‘Rockwell’ c”Name :”;14,15 ‘Name: Hunter,Rockwell’
001 ‘day’    
002 ‘night’ c1/2 ‘day/night’