Retrieval of items from files

The AQL processor uses both the master dictionary and the file dictionary to determine the definition of the elements in the AQL sentence. The pointer to the file dictionary and the connectives used in the sentence, for example, are found in the master dictionary. The file pointer to the data file and file-specific attribute definitions are found in the file dictionary.

If an element is defined in both the account master dictionary and the file dictionary, the definition in the file dictionary is used.

If the element is not found in either the account master dictionary or the file dictionary, AQL creates a new element by concatenating the unknown element to a space and the next element in the string. The processor attempts to look up this new element in first the file dictionary and then the account master dictionary. If the new item-ID is not found, an error message displays. The AQL processor does not look up terms in the string that are enclosed in single or double quotation marks, or backslashes. These are assumed to be literals.